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Prof. Dr. Lisa Regazzoni

Photo of the person Frau Prof. Dr. Lisa Regazzoni - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History


+49 521 106-3224  
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Curriculum Vitae


2020 Habilitation (teaching qualification) in Modern History at Goethe University. Postdoctoral thesis: Material for History. Monuments as epistemic objects in the construction of the Gallic past in the eighteenth and early nineteenth century

2006 Doctorate in philosophy at the University of Potsdam. Dissertation: “Ich kann nicht von allen berichten, die Namen nicht nennen...” Selektion und Katalog als ästhetische Sanktionen

2000 Teacher training in history and philosophy at secondary school level (Italy)

1998 Magister Artium in Philosophy at the University of Bologna. Thesis: Motivi storico-filosofici nelle Theologische Jugendschriften di G.W.F.Hegel

1992 - 1998 Undergraduate studies: philosophy at the University of Bologna, philosophy and modern history at Heidelberg University

Academic Employment

February-June 2022 Visiting Fellowship at Bard Graduate Center (New York)

July 2020 Call to the W2 professorship for Cultural History focusing on Museum/ Museum studies at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (declined)

June 2020 - present Professor of Theory of History at Bielefeld University

September-December 2019 Membership at the Institute for Advanced Study Princeton

August 2019 Postdoc scholarship at the German Historical Institute London

March-July 2019 Assistant professor at the Chair for the History of the Early Modern Period at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

October 2016 - March 2017 Visiting scholar at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) Study group on modern historiography (Groupe d’études sur les historiographies modernes)

February 2015 - September 2018 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project (project subdivision: temporary position as principal Investigator), “Stoff für die Geschichte: Der nationale Antiquarianismus und seine Narrative in Frankreich im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert”

July 2014 - January 2015 Fellow at the German Historical Institute Paris

July 2014 Nominated for the 1822 university prize for excellence in teaching at Goethe University (with Judith Blume and Dr. Vera Hierholzer)

April 2013 - June 2014 Design and curation of anniversary exhibition at Goethe University, Ich sehe wunderbare Dinge. 100 Jahre Sammlungen an der Goethe Universität [I See Wonderful Things: One Hundred Years of Collections at Goethe University], Giersch Museum, Goethe University (19.10.14–08.02.2015)

April 2013 - June 2014 Research fellowship from the Gerda Henkel Foundation

October-November 2013 Research at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne funded by a travel grant from Collège doctoral franco-allemand/ Deutsch-französischen Doktorandenkollegs

February-March 2013 Senior fellow at Centre Alexandre Koyré in Paris (Research in Paris program), grant from Paris City Council

January 2007 - January 2013 Academic coordinator at the International Graduate School on Political Communication from Antiquity to the 20th Century, Goethe University (part-time until 03.2008; full-time from 04.2008)

March and July-August 2012 Research at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne funded by a travel grant from Collège doctoral franco-allemand/ Deutsch-französischen Doktorandenkollegs

October 2003 - September 2004 Research at Potsdam University funded by the Morelli-Rotary Prize of the Giovanni Morelli Foundation (Bergamo)

Digital Humanities

2012 - 2020 Creation, development and maintenance of online platform for Goethe University collections (with Judith Blume and Vera Hierholzer), URL:

Current research topics

  • Philosophie und Theorie der Geschichte
  • Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Geschichtswissenschaft
  • Materielle Kulturforschung
  • Geschichte und Theorie des wissenschaftlichen Sammelns
  • Französische Wissens- und Ideengeschichte des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts