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Prof. Dr. Anja Abendroth

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1. Faculty of Sociology / People / Professors

Professur für Sozialstrukturanalyse

+49 521 106-12179  
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Nr. 354 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

Curriculum Vitae

Scientific career

  • Since 12/2023
    • Professor for Social Structure Analysis, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University
  • 2018-2023
    • Junior Professor "Technological and Social Change", working area Social Structure and Social Inequality, Bielefeld University', and NRW-funded focus of research "Digital Future"
    • 02/2021 positive assessment of the first phase of the junior professorship
  • 2013-2018
    • Akademische Rätin, Faculty of Sociology, working area Social Structure and Social Inequality, Prof Dr Martin Diewald, Bielefeld University
  • 2011-2013
    • Research assistant in the project "Interactions between realisation opportunities in appointment and private life: An investigation of employees in different work organisations'' of the Collaborative Research Centres 882 "From Heterogeneities to Inequalities", Bielefeld University (continued research work in SFB 882 as academic counsellor).
  • 2008-2012
    • PhD student and research assistant in the European Science Foundation project "Labour Market Inequalities between Men and Women in Europe" University of Utrecht/ICS, Netherlands

Academic degrees

  • 2013
    • Doctorate/Phd studies at the University of Utrecht/ICS, Netherlands; title: Working Women in Europe: How the Country, Workplace, and Family Context Matter (first and second supervisors: Prof. Dr Tanja van der Lippe and Prof. Dr Ineke Maas)
  • 2008
    • Diploma in Sociology at Bielefeld University
    • Diploma thesis: Work-life balance support in Europe. The impact of national, workplace and private life support on work-life balance satisfaction (First supervisor: Prof Dr Laura Den Dulk, Utrecht University; second opinion: Prof Dr Martin Diewald, Bielefeld University)
  • 2007
    • Second degree: Bachelor of Science in Health Communication
    • Bachelor's thesis: (On the distribution of work-life balance and its health significance in the workplace - first results of an empirical study in different appointment status groups. (First supervisor: Dr Petra Rixgens; second supervisor: Prof Dr Bernhard Badura)

Third-party funds

  • 2024-2028
    • Joint project InfraNextGen
    • Sponsored by EU-Horizon
    • Scientific management of the project area "Make it Digital": Prof Dr Anja Abendroth
  • 2021-2025
    • Funding of the project '"The choice between time or money: new flexibility for a better work-life balance?"
    • Sponsored by the HBS'
    • Project management: Prof Dr Anja Abendroth & Dana Müller (IAB)
  • 2021-2023
    • Acquisition of the project '"Flexibility in digitalised working environments: The use and effects of telecommuting and digital work communication in a European country comparison" as part of the priority programme "Digitalisation of working environments"
    • Sponsored by the DFG
    • Project management: JProf. Dr Anja Abendroth
  • 2021-2022
    • Acquisition of the project '"Changing working conditions and quality of life in digitalised working environments: What role do operational framework conditions play"
    • Sponsored by the BAuA'
    • Project management: JProf. Dr Anja Abendroth and Dr Mareike Reimann
  • Since 2021
    • Research network "Individualisation in Changing Environments" (InChangeE), Bielefeld University
  • 2019-2022
    • Acquisition of the project '"Conflicts of values in the design of socio-technical systems using the example of the distribution of work tasks" as part of the second phase of the Fortschrittskolleg "Digital Design of Flexible Working Environments" applied for
    • Sponsored by the State Ministry of Culture and Science NRW'
    • Project management: JProf. Dr Anja Abendroth
  • 2017-2020
    • Acquisition of the project '"Organisational inequalities and interactions between realisation opportunities in professional and private life".
    • Sponsored by the DFG
    • Project management: JProf. Dr Anja Abendroth, Prof. Dr Diewald and Dr Silvia Melzer

Current research topics

- Interrelationships between professional and private life
- Social inequalities by gender, parenthood and appointment
- Flexible forms of work and employment
- Algorithmic work regulation and control
- Self-determination and affiliation in the digitalized world of work

Third-party funded projects

"Flexibility in digitalized working environments: The use and effects of telecommuting and digital work communication in a European country comparison" as part of the priority program "Digitization of working environments"
Sponsored by the DFG
Principal Investigator: JProf. Dr. Anja Abendroth

"Changing working conditions and quality of life in digitalized working environments: What role do company framework conditions play?"
Sponsored by the BAuA
Principal Investigator: JProf. Dr. Anja Abendroth and Dr. Mareike Reimann

"The choice between time or money: new flexibility for a better work-life balance?"
Sponsored by HBS
Principal Investigator: JProf. Dr. Anja Abendroth & Dana Müller (IAB)

"Conflicts of values in the design of socio-technical systems using the example of the distribution of work tasks" in the context of the requested second phase of the Fortschrittkolleg "Digital Design of Flexible Working Environments".
Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Science NRW
Principal Investigator: JProf. Dr. Anja Abendroth