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Prof. Dr. Michael Kleine

Photo of the person Herr Prof. Dr. Michael Kleine - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Faculty of Mathematics

+49 521 106-6248  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-5055 Secretary's Details
UHG V6-221 Locations Map

In der Vorlesungsfreien Zeit:
Donnerstag, 08.08. 10-11 Uhr in M6-120
Dienstag, 27.08. 16-17 Uhr in M6-120
Donnerstag, 26.09. 10-11 Uhr per Zoom

Im WiSe 2024/25:
Dienstags 11-12 Uhr (Präsenz) in M6-120

Anmeldungen über das ekVV, ebenso zu online-Sprechstunden

Make an appointment

4. Faculty of Mathematics / Studienberatung / Akademische Studienberatung

Studienberatung Lehramtsstudiengänge, HRSGe, insbesondere Didaktik der Mathematik

+49 521 106-6248  
+49 521 106- 2991 
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-67550 Secretary's Details
UHG V6-221 Locations Map

Curriculum Vitae

1993 - 1998 Studies in Mathematics, Physics for Secondary Education (I & II), University of Paderborn
Degree: First state exam in mathematics, physics (secondary level II/ I)

1998 - 2000 Trainee teacher at E.T.A.-Hofmann-Gymnasium Bamberg
Degree: Second state exam mathematics and physics

2000-2006 Research assistant in didactics of mathematics, University of Regensburg
Degree: PhD

2004 - 2006 Studies in media education, University of Regensburg
Degree: First state exam in media education

2004 - 2007 Studies in psychology with a focus on school psychology, University of Bamberg
Degree: First state exam in psychology

2007 Degree: Post-doctoral habilitation in education, University of Regensburg

School activities
2006 - 2008 Teacher at Hollfeld comprehensive school

Since 2015 Member of the school board of the Private Mauritius-Gymnasium Büren

2019, 2020, 2022 Teaching activity, Private Mauritius-Gymnasium Büren

University activities
2004 Offer of professorship at the University of Education Northwestern Switzerland (declined)

2008 - 2012 Professorship (W3), Weingarten University of Education for Teaching and Learning in mathematics

2009 Offer of professorship (W2), University of Leipzig (declined)

2009 Offer of professorship (W3), University of Flensburg (declined)

since 2012 Professorship (W2), Bielefeld University for Didactics of Mathematics

International affairs

  • Visiting professorships at KMUTT Bangkok, Khon Kaen University
  • Research stays at the Normal University Shanghai, Normal University Beijing, Kiev University of Education, University of Osijek, University of Rijeka
  • Lecturer at the University of Suddenmark
  • Training programmes in German schools (DS Mexico, DS Washington, DS Beijing, DS Shanghai, DS Windhoek, DS Pretoria, EOS Cairo, DS Barcelona, DS Paris)
  • Partner and Coordinator in several ERASMUS+ projects

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