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Dr. Anne Wernicke

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1. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Department / Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache / Mehrsprachigkeit

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt BiLinked - Bielefelder Lehrinnovationen für kollaborative Entwicklung digitaler Lehr-/Lernformate in der CoP Inklusionssensible Lehrer*innenbildung

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2. Oberstufenkolleg [High School College]

Research assistant in the Wortgewand(t) research and development project

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Hauspostfach UHG Postraum T7, Fach 18 / WE_OS

Curriculum Vitae

since 10/2021 Research assistant at the scientific department of the experimental school Oberstufen-Kolleg at Bielefeld University (WE_OS)


  • with Birgit Guschker & Maria Mateo i Ferrer: Die gymnasiale Oberstufe in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Acquiring language, learning to write, helping to shape discourses. Presentation at the CARN D.A.CH. symposia, Bielefeld, 02/2024.

2022 Hans Barkowski award of the JenDaF e.V. for doctoral thesis

since 10/2021 Research assistant in the project BiLinked - Teaching innovations for a collaborative development of digital teaching/learning formats

Presentations in the context of BiLinked

  • with Anne Trapp & Marcel Beyer: Phasenverbindende Lehrkräftebildung im Zeichen digitaler Transformationsprozesse der Bildung. Workshop as part of the Turn Conference 2022, Kiel, 11/2022.
  • with Anne Trapp: Collaborative, cross-phase and digital. The work of the Community of Practice Inclusion-Sensitive Teacher Education in the BiLinked project, presentation at the DiKuLe symposium at the University of Bamberg. 10/2022

03/2020-07/2023 Research assistant in the project ComeIn - Communities of Practice NRW for an innovative teacher education

Presentations in the context of ComeIn

  • with Udo Ohm: Sprachsensibel unter den Bedingungen der Digitalität - Das Modell von DaZ-Kompetenz bei angehenden Lehrkräften (DaZKom) Presentation as part of the BiTeach Day at Bielefeld University 17 November 2021

since January 2019 freelance assessor for TestDaF at g.a.s.t. (Gesellschaft für akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testentwicklung e.V.), Bochum

2014-2020 Doctorate/PhD studies in the subject German as a Foreign and Second Language at Bielefeld University.

  • Title of doctoral thesis: Von guten Feen und schlechten Deutschsprecher_innen - Diskurse und Positionierungen im Niedriglohnsektor des Gesundheitswesens

Presentations on doctoral project

  • Socio-cultural second language acquisition research in the low-wage sector of the health care system. Presentation in section F.5 Language acquisition and its research at the International Conference of Teachers of German (IDT) in Vienna. 16.08.2022.
  • Von guten Feen und schlechten Deutschsprecher*innen - Diskurse und Positionierungen im Niedriglohnsektor des Gesundheitswesens. Presentation as part of the lecture series of the Master's programme German as a second language and German studies at Bielefeld University. 26.10.2021
  • with Andrea Daase: Interpretative second language acquisition research using the example of vocational training. Presentation as part of the lecture series of the Master's programme German as a second language and German studies. 07.01.2019
  • Where monolingual habitus meets life-world multilingualism - positioning of participants with German as a Second Language in a course of vocational post-qualification. Contribution to the symposium Perceptual linguistic perspectives on multilingualism: attitudes, ideologies, positioning practices at the University of Düsseldorf. December 2016
  • Presentation of doctoral project in the section Integration and language policy in the educational context and on the labour market (Chair: İnci Dirim) at the workshop Mehrsprachigkeit Abseits des Mainstream at the University of Potsdam. 2015

2015-2019 teaching staff at Bielefeld University in the subject German as a Foreign and Second Language

  • in the teacher training programme (DaZ modules)
  • In the Master's programme German as a second language and German studies: project seminars on qualitative research methods (interviews)

2013-2014 Research assistant in the project SpraSiBeQ - language sensitisation in vocational qualification

Presentations within SpraSiBeQ

  • with Theresa Birnbaum and Juana Kupke: Increasing Language Sensitivity in Vocational Training - Constructing a Curricular Framework. Presentation at the 4th International Conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP) in Geneva. 2014
  • with Michael Seyfarth: Das "Rahmencurriculum für die sprachliche Sensibilisierung von Lehrkräften in der beruflichen Qualifizierung" - Zwischenergebnisse aus dem Projekt SpraSiBeQ. 41st Annual Conference of the Professional Association for German as a Foreign and Second Language in Münster. 2014

2009-2013 DaF/DaZ teacher at the Bildungswerk des Bielefelder Schulvereins e.V. (bibis)

2009-2012 Master's degree in German as a second language and German studies at Bielefeld University.

  • Thesis: "It depends on the person." - Images and experiences of Germany by US-American exchange students

2008 Teaching German as a foreign language in summer courses for children and young people at the German Language School (GLS), Berlin

2008 Teaching German as a foreign language as part of a DAAD [German Academic Exchange Service] internship at the German Department of the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand

2007 and 2008 GFL teaching for the youth exchange organisation ''Youth for Understanding (YFU): Orientation courses for US-American exchange students'''

2005-2009 Bachelor at Bielefeld University (core subject: German as a second language, minor subject: English studies)

Current research topics

  • Scientific monitoring of the curricular development of the extended entry phase, in which newly immigrated young people can obtain the (German) 'Abitur' at the Oberstufen-Kolleg
  • Second language learning and teaching as well as language-sensitive subject teaching under the conditions of digitality

Further research interests

  • Sociocultural theories of second language acquisition
  • Social interaction with everyday multilingualism
  • Self and other positioning of L2 learners
  • Critical discourse analysis according to Siegfried Jäger
  • Language(s) and power
  • Language ideologies
  • Approaches to interpretative social research in the field of GFL/DaZ: ethnography (e.g. linguistic ethnography), qualitative interview forms