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Ragna Verhoeven

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Curriculum Vitae

Academic Work Experience:
Since 10/2022 Research Associate at the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University

2021-2022 Research Assistant at the Chair of Political Theory, Institute of Political Science Münster and in the research network "Cultures of Compromise"

07/2021-09/2021 Student Assistant to Thomas Altmeppen, M.A., Chair of Political Theory, Institute for Political Science Münster

10/2020-09/2021 Student Assistant to Prof. Dr. Oliver Hidalgo at the Institute of Political Science, Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster

05/2020-09/2021 Student Assistant at the Chair for Political Theory to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems at the Institute for Political Science, Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster

04/2020-09/2020 Student Assistant at the Chair of Political Theory to Dr. Manon Westphal at the Institute of Political Science, Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster

10/2019-03/2020 Tutor for the lecture "Political Theory" (Prof. Dr. Oliver Hidalgo) at the Institute for Political Science, Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster

10/2018-03/2019 Tutor for the lecture "Political Theory" (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Willems) at the Institute of Political Science, Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster

2018-2021 French-German Master's Programme "International and European Governance" at Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster and Sciences Po Lille (Thesis: Communitarianism as a Theory of Democracy - A Search for Traces in Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor -).

2014-2018 French-German Bachelor's Programme "International and European Governance" at Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster and at Sciences Po Lille (Thesis: John Locke's Two Treatises and Robert Filmer's Patriarcha as the Philosophical Basis of Political Party Formation in England in the Late 17th Century).

University and academic stays abroad:
03/2024-07/2024 Research stay at the "Laboratoire des Théories du Politique" (LabTop), Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris, CRESPPA, Centre nationale de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris
09/2017-08/2018 Studies at Sciences Po Lille, German-French branch, Master: "Politique, Philosophie et Économie"
09/2017-08/2015 Studies at Sciences Po Lille, German-French branch

07/2023 Article: Rawls und der Kommunitarismus, with Oliver Hidalgo, in: Frühbauer, Johannes/Reder, Michael/Schmidt, Thomas (Hg.): Rawls-Handbuch, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
03/2023 Review: Calhoun, Craig/Gaonkar, Dilip Parameshwar/Taylor, Charles: Degenerations of Democracy, in: Zeitschrift für Politik.
03/2021 Review: Stellmacher, Martin: Das Prinzip der Republik , in: Zeitschrift für Politik, Jahrgang 68, No. 1, 119-120.
04/2018 Article: L’autoportrait comme motif traditionnel dans l’art, in: Revue de recherche Petites PensÉes, Master Philosophie Politique Économie, Dossier No.2, Sciences Po Lille, 49-52.

Planned and future publications:
07/2024 Round-Table Diskussion: The Right-Wing Populist Complex, Intersectionality and the Question of democracy. A perspective from radical theory of democracy.
2025 Monograph: Zur Aktualität von Gayatri Spivak. Einleitung in ihr Werk, with Oliver Hidalgo, Series: Kultur- und SozialwissenschaftlerInnen der Gegenwart, Wiesbaden: Springer.

10/2024 "Democracy between conflit and relationality", Conference "Jacques Rancière and Democracy", Université Paris 8. (French)
09/2024 "Democracy between cohesion and conflict. A radical democratic perspective", 29. congress of the German Political Science Association: „Politics in the Polycrisis", University of Göttingen. (German)
06/2024 "Radical democracy between conflict and relationality. An interrogation with Claude Lefort and Jacques Rancière", Journée d'étude LabTop, Cresppa, CNRS Paris. (French)
09/2024 "Resistance between conflict and relationality. A radical-democratic-critical perspective", Workshop: „Resistant subjectivation“, Bielefeld University. (German)
11/2023 "Democratic community between inclusion and exclusion. A radical democratic-critical perspective", interdisciplinary workshop: "Community - Common Good - Common Sense", Project: Semantisation in Discourses on the Future, University of Bonn. (German)
07/2023 Round-Table discussant, International Workshop: "The Politics of Intersectionality and the Right-Wing Populist complex: Brazilian and German Perspectives, Universität Bielefeld, Center for InterAmerican Studies. (English)
06/2023 "Unifying Subjectification?", Workshop: "Precarious Subjectification", Universität Innsbruck. (German)
03/2023 "Democracy between conflict and unifying elements? The question of binding forces in Radical Democracatic Theory", conference: "Normativity of Radical Democratic Theory", TU Dresden. (German)
05/2022 "Understanding Traditions in their Binding Force and Changeability. A Communitarian View of the Concept of Tradition and the Problem of Changeability for Religious Stakeholders“, Interdisciplinary Young Researchers' Conference of the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics": "Traditions in transition", WWU Münster. (German)

conference organizations:
09-10/02/2024 Organizer of the workshop "resistant subjectivation", Bielefeld University.
27-29/09/2023 Co-organizer of the international conference "Political Theory in Times of (Un)-certainty", University of Bremen.

Current research topics

political theory
history of ideas
theory of democracy
radical theory of democracy
feminist theory
postcolonial theory (especially Spivak)

Topic of the Dissertation: "On the Tension between the Unifying and the Conflicting in Democracy. The Question of the Binding Forces in the Radical Theory of Democracy" (working title).

Memberships and Functions

Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), sections: "Political Theory and History of Ideas", "Politics and Gender"
Associate Member of the "Laboratoire des Théories du Politique" (LabTop), Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (Cresppa), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris
Associate Member of the Research Training Group "Experiencing Gender. Constitution and Transformation of Being in the Worlde" at the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (IZG), University of Bielefeld
Elected member of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Faculty of Sociology (member of the academic mid-level faculty)
Editorial board member of the theoryblog (