Staff and
Department Search

Personalservices für zentrale Unterstützungsbereiche (P/O.3)

UHG Locations Map

Subordinate departments


Berge, Joanna

Recruitment for the central support areas:
Department F, Internal Audit, Compliance

Bohle, Silke

Sachbearbeiterin für Arbeitsunfähigkeit

Cammarata, Angelina

Department of Human Resources and Organization / Personalservices für zentrale Unterstützungsbereiche (P / O.3) / Abteilungsleitung P / O.3

Deputy Head of Department, Team Leader Recruitment

Recruitment for the central support areas:
Rectorate and other administration (rector's, chancellor's and other secretary's offices)

Castrup, Julia

Case worker for tariff employees in the central support areas:
FFT Department, Group Representations (PR, WPR, GLB, SBV), International Office, Communication Office

Recruitment for the central support areas:
Department FFT, Communication Office,

Deland, Laura Lee

Recruitment for the central support areas:
Library, Department SL, International Office (IO),

Fricke, Florian

Case worker for tariff employees in the central support areas:
BITS, Department DT/P, Department F, Centre for Aesthetics, Centre for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)

Gellrich, Ann-Christin

Recruitment for the central support areas:
BITS, Department DT/P, Department FM, Centre for Teaching and Learning (ZLL)

Gödde, Theresa

Department of Human Resources and Organization / Personalservices für zentrale Unterstützungsbereiche (P / O.3) / Abteilungsleitung P / O.3

Department management

Hauptmann, Finja

Sachbearbeiter*in für Tarifbeschäftigte in den zentralen Unterstützungsbereichen

Kelsner, Michael

Case worker for holidays, incapacity for work/leave of absence, flexitime

Kießling-Mikhail, Janine

Sachbearbeitung Stellenausschreibungen

Klimas, Katharina

Case worker for tariff employees in the central support areas:
Rectorate and other administration (Rector's, Chancellor's and other secretary's offices), Internal Audit, Compliance

Kosog, Christina


Ludwig, Stephanie

Case worker for tariff employees in the central support areas:
FM Department, SL Department, Library

Spilker, Laura

Case worker for tariff employees in the central support areas:
Department P/O, AGUS

Recruitment for the central support areas:
AGUS, P/O department, group representatives (PR, WPR, GLB, SBV), Centre for Aesthetics