230078 Media, Border and Intercultural Communication (BS) (SoSe 2024)

Contents, comment

This class is co-taught by Prof. Dr. José Carlos Lozano (Texas AM International University) and Prof. Dr. Wilfried Raussert (with further assistance of Distinguished Professor Dr. Maryemma Graham, The University of Kansas, Lawrence). The class has a threefold purpose. First, the class intends to introduce students to border and transcultural thinking in a geopolitical, aesthetic, and scholarly way. Second it functions as an introduction to media discourses at the Mexican-US border with concrete examples from cinema studies. Third, it functions as a platform for intercultural exchange and study in the US information for students from Bielefeld University. The course offers a four-day intensive exchange and hopes to inspire students to go and study abroad. In terms of content, the class material addresses border thinking, intercultural communication, media and border discourses reflecting the situation at the US-Mexican border, digital humanities, and cross-over scholarship. Professor Dr. Graham will share her experiences teaching in various regions in the US including the East coast, the Deep South, and the Mid-West. Prof. Dr. Raussert will share his experience teaching in the US, Mexico, and Ireland. The idea is to explore the intercultural dimension of teaching and learning. This idea also includes the intention to get students from Texas A&M International and Bielefeld University connected via ZOOM, probably on Tuesday June 18 in the afternoon slot. In addition to regular and active class participation, students from Bielefeld University will have to submit an essay addressing one of the class topics at the end of the semester to receive their credit points (4000 words).

Requirements for participation, required level

Notwendige Voraussetzungen: FsB vom 15.11.2023 (Einschreibung ab SoSe 2023)
Vor dem Besuch der Veranstaltungen in den Profilmodulen muss der Language Proficiency Test (23-ANG-Basis1) bestanden sein. Im Master of Education gilt diese Voraussetzung mit dem erfolgreichen Masterzugang als erbracht.

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Subject assignments

Module Course Requirements  
23-ANG-AngVM2 Vertiefungsmodul 2: The Americas/ Interamerican Studies VM 2.3 The Americas: Film and Media Study requirement
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23-ANG-Profil6 Profilmodul 6: Media, Communication and Creative Practices Profil6.1 Media and Communication Study requirement
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23-MeWi-HM1 Medien, Sprache und Kultur Lehrveranstaltung II Study requirement
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Lehrveranstaltung III Study requirement
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Lehrveranstaltung IV Study requirement
Student information

The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.

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Registered number: 14
This is the number of students having stored the course in their timetable. In brackets, you see the number of users registered via guest accounts.
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If the reference number is used for several courses in the course of the semester, use the following alternative address to reach the participants of exactly this: VST_445171981@ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de
14 Students to be reached directly via email
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Email archive
Number of entries 4
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Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 
Last update times:
Monday, April 8, 2024 
Last update rooms:
Monday, April 8, 2024 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
BS /
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
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