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PD Dr. Anne-Kathrin Warzecha

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1. Faculty of Biology / Computational Biology

(1) Vermittlung mathematisch-datenwissenschaftlicher Kompetenzen in den biologischen Studiengängen (2) Beratung von Studierenden mit mathematisch-datenwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen insbesondere im Hinblick auf das molekularbiologisch ausgerichtete Basismodul I (3) Entwicklung und Implementation von Lehrevaluationen

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+49 521 106-8701  
UHG G2-130 Locations Map

während des Semesters dienstags: 12 – 14 Uhr, W0-135 (LabLunch)
sowie nach Vereinbarung


3. Center for Biotechnology - CeBiTec / AG Computational Biology

teaching and support for bachelor students of the life sciences with respect to basic mathematical and data science skills and with an emphasis on molecular biology

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+49 521 106-8701  
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+49 521 106-8755 Secretary's Details
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Module Designee for

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Appointments
since 2012Mitarbeiterin im Programm richtig einsteigen zur Vermittlung mathematischer Kompetenzen in der Biologie
2004 – 2012 Leader of a research group on the “Impact of neuronal variability on the reliability of encoding and the processing of visual motion information” at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster (Germany) and at Bielefeld University, funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung
1995 – 2004 Scientific member of staff in the Neurobiology Department at Bielefeld University
1995 Postdoctoral Fellow: Centre for Visual Sciences, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra (Australia)
Studies at University
2000 Habilitation in “Animal Physiology” at Bielefeld University
1991 - 1994 PhD Project: “Reliability of neuronal information processing in the motion pathway of blowflies” at the Max-Planck-Institute Biol. Cybernetics, Tübingen (Germany)"
1990 - 1991 Diploma-Thesis, "Konnektivitätsanalyse zum neuronalen Mechanismus der Detektion bewegter Objekte im visuellen System derFliege'"
1987 - 1988 Studies of Zoology and Neurobiology at the Duke University in Durham, NC (USA)
1986 - 1991 Studies of Biology (main subjects: Animal Physiology, botany, mathematics, electronics) at the University of Tübingen (Germany)
1984 - 1986 Studies of Biology at the Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany)