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Dr. Peter Schildhauer

Photo of the person Herr Dr.  Peter Schildhauer - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Fields of Study / Departments / Anglistik / Amerikanistik / Professors

Substitute Prof. Dr Lotta König summer semester 2024

+49 521 106-3629  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3659 Secretary's Details
UHG C3-219 Locations Map

Office Hours

During the semester: Monday, 12.15-14.00

Semester break:
15.08., 10-12 (online)
27.08., 16-18 (online)
18.09., 16-18 (online)
23.09., 12-14 (online/in presence)
01.10., 16-18 (online)

Important: Please use the ekvv to "sign up" for a slot in my office hours in order to decrease waiting times both for you and me. If you'd like to discuss a thesis (BA / M.Ed) with me, please book two slots :-)

My office hours take place in presence or as a zoom meeting:, Pwd: 005747. Please let me know if you prefer another channel.

Make an appointment
Lichthof C/D3 Nr. 127

2. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Representatives / Anlaufstelle Anerkennung

Anlaufstelle Anerkennung für Master of Education Anglistik