Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") Subject (Primary Schools)

FsB vom 30.11.2023 mit Änderung vom 28.03.2024


6 semesters
Winter semester & summer semester
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The aim of "Integrated Studies for Primary Education (‘Sachunterricht’)" in primary school is to support children in exploring their living environment, to enable them to orientate themselves in it and to form relationships to the environment more and more independently. This goal not only extends to a wide range of subject-specific content, but also requires a didactically independent, interdisciplinary and multi-perspective preparation of this content in "Integrated Studies for Primary Education (‘Sachunterricht’)".
The interdisciplinary degree programme of the Subject "Integrated Studies for Primary Education (‘Sachunterricht’)” as part of the Teacher Training Bachelor includes elements of natural sciences (with the electives Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and social sciences (with the electives History and Social Sciences). It enables students to acquire subject-related competences and an insight into the subject-specific significance of all disciplines involved. The subject-specific and didactic perspectives of the five sub-disciplines are supplemented by the multidisciplinary, multi-perspective view of "Integrated Studies for Primary Education (‘Sachunterricht’)". On this basis, students learn to develop and plan teaching-learning processes for the subject and to reflect on them in exchange with teaching staff and students, so they can experience, evaluate and apply educational goals, concepts and didactic principles of "Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht")" as a whole.
The subject "Integrated Studies for Primary Education (‘Sachunterricht’)" has to be combined with Educational Sciences (optionally with Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education), Elementary Mathematics and German Literacy. In combination with the subsequent Master of Education, the degree programme qualifies students to teach at primary schools. The degree programme Teacher Training for Primary School with Special and Inclusive Education additionally qualifies for the teaching profession in special and inclusive education. A subsequent Master of Education degree is obligatory for this.

The courses

You will find the programme of lectures for this course in the eKVV.

An overview of the introductory and information events is provided by the central student counselling services.

Formalities / Important information

Course start

Studies can be commenced in both winter and summer semesters.

Length and scope of studies

The standard period of studies is 6 semesters.

The studies Subject (Primary Schools) Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht") comprise 40 credit points.

Find out about the academic structure model and note the possible combinations.

Access requirements

Access to the Bachelor programme is granted to those who have a university entrance qualification suitable for Germany (e. g. German ‘Abitur’).

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Application, admission and enrolment  1

The study places are not subject to any admission restrictions (numerus clausus). Nevertheless, you need to apply within the currently applicable application deadlines. Afterwards, however, you can submit your application for enrolment directly in the application and status portal, provided that you meet the access requirements. If you are already enrolled at Bielefeld University, you need to apply for a change of degree programme.

You can find more detailed information on the application process as well as information on the enrolment procedure on the pages of the Student Office.

To the application portal

Please note that Education Sciences is always a compulsory component of a degree programme with a teaching option (see study structure model) and therefore necessarily requires an application for a study place.

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Possible Combinations

This subject can be combined with the following subjects in the Combined Bachelor's Degree:

Teacher Training Bachelor for Primary Schools

Please note further specifications for the choice of subjects.

As Educational Sciences you have to combine Educational Sciences

Teacher Training Bachelor for Primary Schools with a focus on Special and Inclusive Education

Please note further specifications for the choice of subjects.

As Major Subject (Teacher Training for Primary School with Special and Inclusive Education) you have to combine Educational Sciences - Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education
As Subject you have to combine Elementary Mathematics (Mathematics)

Further links

Internet pages of the subject Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht")

Internet pages of the responsible institution(s):

BiSEd Bielefeld School of Education with the courses offered



Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

"technical" degree programme; no option for teaching profession available here.