Chemistry Subject (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule'))

FsB vom 01.12.2011 mit Änderungen vom 02.12.2013 und 02.03.2015


Bachelor of Science
6 semesters
Winter semester
Apply now! Put together your degree programme now

The teacher training programmes are aimed at prospective students who wish to become teachers, i.e. people who enjoy working with school pupils, who want to convey complex content confidently, motivate them and accompany them in their learning.
Bachelor's students on the chemistry teaching degree programmes acquire solid specialist knowledge in the core chemical subjects of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, which not only covers the content to be taught at the relevant school level, but is also thematically broader in scope. Students are familiarised with the subject-specific systematics and learn to understand, evaluate and present chemical facts in various contexts. In chemical laboratory practicals, they learn to work practically and handle chemicals safely. They are taught basic knowledge of safety and environmental issues. They also learn the essential working methods of chemistry.
The specialist training programme is supplemented by chemistry didactics courses, which focus on subject-specific challenges and learning barriers as well as didactic teaching principles and concepts. The scientific cognitive process plays a central role here.
The bachelor course is followed by a four-semester Master of Education with an integrated practical semester, which is a prerequisite for the teaching profession. The Master's degree programme is followed by preparatory service (German 'Referendariat').

The courses

You will find the programme of lectures for this course in the eKVV.

An overview of the introductory and information events is provided by the central student counselling services.

Formalities / Important information

Course start

Studies can be commenced only in winter semester.

Length and scope of studies

The standard period of studies is 6 semesters.

The studies Subject (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule')) Chemistry comprise 60 credit points.

Find out about the academic structure model and note the possible combinations.

Access requirements

Access to the Bachelor programme is granted to those who have a university entrance qualification suitable for Germany (e. g. German ‘Abitur’).

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Application, admission and enrolment  1

The study places are not subject to any admission restrictions (numerus clausus). Nevertheless, you need to apply within the currently applicable application deadlines. Afterwards, however, you can submit your application for enrolment directly in the application and status portal, provided that you meet the access requirements. If you are already enrolled at Bielefeld University, you need to apply for a change of degree programme.

You can find more detailed information on the application process as well as information on the enrolment procedure on the pages of the Student Office.

To the application portal

Please note that Education Sciences is always a compulsory component of a degree programme with a teaching option (see study structure model) and therefore necessarily requires an application for a study place.

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Possible Combinations

Further links

Internet pages of the subject Chemistry

Internet pages of the responsible institution(s):

Faculty of Chemistry with the courses offered



Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

"technical" degree programme; no option for teaching profession available here.