FsB vom 01.12.2011 mit dritter Berichtigung vom 02.03.2015 und Änderungen vom 02.12.2013 und 12.07.2017
How does human metabolism, the CRISPR/Cas gene scissors or a viral infection work at the molecular and cellular level? What are the molecular foundations of heredity and the development of e.g. Alzheimer's or cancer? These and many similar topics are part of the Bachelor's degree programme in Biochemistry.
In addition to teaching theoretical and methodological expertise, the focus is on practising practical, experimental skills. In supervised laboratory practicals, students learn to work independently on (bio)chemical problems and to research in scientific journals and books for preparation and follow-up. The safe and sustainable handling of chemicals plays a special role here. In terms of content, the programme offers links to many other subjects and focuses of research represented at Bielefeld University, such as Molecular Biology, Molecular Medicine, Cell Biology, Genetics, Protein Chemistry, Bioorganics, Bioinorganics, Biophysical Chemistry and Biophysics.
The first three semesters provide a sound basic education in chemistry as a solid foundation, which means that there is initially a similarity and compatibility with classical chemistry studies. In later semesters, the focus is then on biochemistry, whereby students can set individual focal points. In addition to subject knowledge and subject-related practical skills, students acquire many key competences necessary for the professional world. They learn to familiarise themselves quickly and independently with new subject areas, to organise themselves and to work together in a team. The Bachelor of Biochemistry, in combination with the Master of Biochemistry and a possible subsequent doctorate, thus prepares students for jobs in academic and industrial research.
You will find the programme of lectures for this course in the eKVV.
An overview of the introductory and information events is provided by the central student counselling services.
The standard period of studies is 6 semesters.
The studies Bachelor with One Core Subject (Academic) Biochemistry comprise 180 credit points.
Find out about the academic structure model and note the rules regarding the individual supplementary area.
Access to the Bachelor programme is granted to those who have a university entrance qualification suitable for Germany (e. g. German ‘Abitur’).
Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.
Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.
The study places are subject to admission restrictions (numerus clausus). You need to register online with the German Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Foundation for University Admission) (hochschulstart.de) and then apply to Bielefeld University within the currently applicable application deadlines.
Places are allocated in the so-called German ‘Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren (DoSV)’ (dialogue-oriented service procedure) and is carried out in several steps. If you accept an admission offer during this procedure, you can submit your application for enrolment within the set deadline.
Step by step trough the DoSV application process
Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.
Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.
Internet pages of the subject Biochemistry
Internet pages of the responsible institution(s):
Faculty of Chemistry with the courses offered
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