Bachelor Construction Kit

Step 3: How do you wish to study Chemistry ?

For your selected subject in the Bachelor with teaching option the following combinations of degree programmes are possible. In case of the subjects to be selected hereafter, only those combinations will be shown, for which Commencing the studies At winter semester is possible. Select a type (for explanations refer to on this page) and the subjects. You can try out various combinations:

Teacher Training Bachelor at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule')

Educational Sciences

Those who wish to become teachers must follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the Techaer Training at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools.

Teacher Training Bachelor at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule')

Educational Sciences

Those who wish to become teachers must follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the Techaer Training at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools.

Teacher Training Bachelor at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule')

Educational Sciences

Those who wish to become teachers must follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the Teacher Training at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools.

Interested students can also specialize in the Master of Education in the direction of "Special and Inclusive Education" and acquire the qualification for the Teacher Training for Special and Inclusive Education with a further Master. It should be noted that one of the subjects chosen in the Bachelor's degree must then be German Languages and Literatures or Mathematics and the further subject must be one of the following: English studies, Biology, Chemistry, Protestant Theology, German Languages and Literatures, History, Art, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Social Sciences or Sports science.