Seit 06.2023
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc), Lehrstuhl Zeitgeschichte, Universität Bielefeld. Mitarbeit im AHRC/DFG geförderten Projekt: „Good Citizens, Terrible Times: Community, Courage and Compliance in and beyond the Holocaust“ (2023–2025)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PostDoc), Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien am Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin
Forschungsprojekt: Making Sense of Catastrophe: Wilhelm Filderman and the Jews of Romania (1938-1948).
PostDoc Stipendiatin, Philologisch-Historische Fakultät der Universität Augsburg und Bukowina-Institut an der Universität Augsburg
Forschungsprojekt: Ethnic German Minorities and the Transition of 1989
PhD in History, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London.
Dissertation title: Locating Germanness: Bukovina and Bukovinians after the Second World War.
Teaching Fellow in German History, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London.
PhD Researcher, AHRC-funded collaborative Project “Reverberations of War: Communities of experience and identification in Germany and Europe since 1945”, School of European Languages, Culture and Society, University College London.
MA, Identity, Culture and Power, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London.
Erasmus-Studium, Leopold-Franzen-Universität Innsbruck.
BA, German and History, German Department, University College London.
Sonstige Berufserfahrung
Lehrbeauftragte an den Universitäten Augsburg und Leipzig.
- History and post-history of the Holocaust in Eastern and Western Europe (especially in Romania and France).
- History of European Jewries and anti-Semitism in Europe (19th-20th c.)
- History of Jewish resistance, self-help and diplomacy in the period of the Second World War
- History of the German-speaking minorities in and from East-Central Europe
- History of coming to terms with National Socialist crimes in the Federal Republic of Germany
"Current Research Projects"
- Comparative Perspectives on Dynamics of Persecution and Survival in Europe during the Holocaust: France and Romania - history and memory.
- Making Sense of Catastrophe: Wilhelm Filderman and the Jews of Romania in the Age of Genocide (monograph).
"Further Research Topics and Methods"
- Politics of Memory & Memory Studies
- Micro- and Everyday History
- Transnational History
- Historiographical History