Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Herr Prof. Dr. Martin Petzke

Bild der Person Herr Prof. Dr. Martin Petzke - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


1. Fakultät für Soziologie / Personen / Professorinnen und Professoren

Professur für Historische und Allgemeine Soziologie

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Gebäude X C2-207 Lage-/Raumplan

6. SFB 1288 "Praktiken des Vergleichens. Die Welt ordnen und verändern"

Mitglied des Leitungsteams im SFB 1288
Projektleiter im Teilprojekt F07: Analogien zwischen Vergleichen als Mechanismen der „Entpartikularisierung“? Zur Konstruktion von Resonanzen zwischen kolonialen und metropolitanen Vergleichsformationen in nationalen „Gründungsdebatten“ im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1871-1918).

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+49 521 106-6511  
Telefon Sekretariat
+49 521 106-6932 Sekretariat zeigen
Gebäude X C2-207 Lage-/Raumplan

7. Fakultät für Soziologie / Kommissionen und Ausschüsse / Fakultätskonferenz

Fakultätskonferenz (stellvertretendes Mitglied Hochschullehrer)

Curriculum Vitae


Venia legendi for Sociology (Habilitation), University of Lucerne, 2019.

Ph.D. Sociology, Bielefeld University, 2012.

M.A. Sociology, Unversity of Trier, 2005.


Since April 2024
Professor of Historical and General Sociology, Bielefeld University.

November 2020 - April 2024
Professor of Historical Sociology, Bielefeld University.

November 2014 - October 2020
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, University of Lucerne.

September 2018 - August 2019
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Sociology, Columbia University.

February 2018 - August 2018
Visiting Scholar, Ralph Bunche Institute, Graduate Center, CUNY.

January 2015 - July 2015
Substitute Professor of General Sociology, Dept. of Sociology, University of Lucerne.

January 2013 - April 2013
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Sociology, Boston University.

October 2010 - October 2014
Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, University of Lucerne.

October 2007 - September 2010
Stipendiary Doctoral Researcher, Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology, Research Group: "World Society."

June 2006 - September 2007
Research Assistant, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, Bielefeld University.

October 2005 - April 2006
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Government, University of Essex.

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Martin Petzke’s research investigates the ways in which social-scientific expertise, statistics, and numerical indicators shape, intervene in, and transform fields of specialized practice. His work is focusing on

- the role of religious statistics in the emergence and perpetuation of global evangelical missions since the nineteenth century and how such quantitative perspectives have had an impact on other religions encountered in the mission field;

- the political measurement of immigrant integration and its effects on integration offices in German bureaucracies;

- the activities of the Verein für Sozialpolitik and missionaries in both the metropole and the colonies of the German Empire and how these activities shaped the construction of the worker question and the "Kulturkampf" as two foundational debates in the formation of the German nation state.