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Amir Mohsen Mohsenpour

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Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests
Quantitative data analyses with Stata and systematic reviews/meta-analyses for evidence synthesis on:

  • Neighbourhood/housing deterioration and mental Health
  • Migration and health
  • Public/Global health education and interdisciplinarity in German public health services

Amir Mohsenpour is a medical doctor with a practical background in epidemiology and health services research, currently on an educational sabbatical to study the MSc in Health Policy, Planning and Financing - a dual degree at LSE and LSHTM in the UK.

Since April 2019 Amir Mohsenpour is working at the Department of Population Medicine and Health Services Research (AG2) at Bielefeld University while finalising his medical doctorate degree in questions of social epidemiology. In his doctorate research he focused on assessing housing deterioration and quantifying contextual neighbourhood effects on mental health of asylum seekers and refugees.

At Heidelberg University he graduated in medicine (2017), before being selected to the Heidelberg Graduate School of Global Health (2018) and obtaining a certificate in Global Health (2019). Working at the Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (formerly: Public Health) in 2012-2014, he built up the interdisciplinary Global Health Society serving as an open forum for students and teachers to discuss and exchange on current issues in global health.

Accompanying his medical studies, he was active in the German Medical Students Association (bvmd e.V.) and its European and international affiliations, serving as National Public Health Officer and a member of the executive board coordinating the association’s external relations. As part of the Globalisation and Health Initiative (GandHI), he worked on a preparatory book for students interested in elective and internships abroad, sensitizing for public and global health issues.

He is an elected member on the board of the German Network of Young Professionals in Public Health (NÖG – Nachwuchsnetzwerk Öffentliche Gesundheit) working on drafting a vision on Germany’s future public health education and interdisciplinarity in the public health services system.

Amir Mohsenpour on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Current research topics

  • Small-area Housing Environment Deterioration(SHED): Development and validation of a new assessment tool
  • Contextual effect of housing on forced migrants' mental health – a multi-level analysis
  • Contextual effect of housing on forced migrants' health – systematic review of existing evidence
  • Homelessness and COVID-19 – a rapid review of existing evidence
  • Effects of introducing locally developed recommendations on antibiotic use in outpatient pediatric care in Bielefeld – pre-post intervention study using medical claims data