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Dr. des. Anna Horstmann


1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History

+49 521 106-3092  
Gebäude X A2-224 Locations Map

Sprechstunde: dienstags von 13-15 Uhr
Terminvereinbarung bitte per Online-Anmeldung. Ein Termin via Zoom ist nach Absprache möglich.

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Curriculum Vitae

  • since 2/2024 Temporary Academic Councillor, Bielefeld University, Department of History
  • 6/2022-2/2024 Research assistant in the project "Trade Union Contemporary Politics of the 1970s to 2000s", Research Centre for Contemporary History Hamburg
  • 6/2018-1/2023 Doctorate/Phd studies at the Ruhr University Bochum on the topic "Frauen im Labor. Women chemists and laboratory assistants in the German chemical industry from 1900 to 1990" (summa cum laude)
  • 2/2019-4/2022 Doctoral scholarship from the Gerda Henkel Foundation
  • 8/2012-3/2020 Freelance editor
  • 10/2014-7/2017 Master's degree programme in History and Gender Studies, Ruhr University Bochum
  • 10/2009-10/2014 Bachelor course History, Ruhr-University Bochum and Journalism Studies, TU Dortmund University

Current research topics

  • Social history of the 20th century
  • Labour history
  • Gender history
  • German contemporary history
  • Trade union history

Memberships and Functions

Since 2024 Working group on trade union history
Since 2023 Member of the editorial board: Labour - Movement - History. Journal for historical studies
Since 2022 German Labour History Association
Since 2020 FG Gender
Since 2020 Working Group on Historical Gender Studies
Since 2018 Network for Women's and Gender Studies NRW