Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Herr Prof. Dr. Christoph Kayser

Bild der Person Herr Prof. Dr. Christoph Kayser - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


1. Fakultät für Biologie / Kognitive Neurowissenschaften

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+49 521 106-6861 Sekretariat zeigen
UHG W3-240 Lage-/Raumplan

4. Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology CITEC / Vorstand


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+49 521 106-5700  
UHG W3-240 Lage-/Raumplan

Curriculum Vitae

Academic appointments
since 2017 Professor, Chair for Cognitive Neuroscience, University Bielefeld, Germany
2012 - 2017 Professor, Chair in Integrative Neuroscience, University of Glasgow, UK
2011 Offer as Canada Research Chair, Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada (Declined)
2008 - 2012 Junior research group leader, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany
2004 - 2007 Research scientist, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
2002 - 2003 Visiting scientist, Centre for Magnetic Resonance Research, U. Minnesota, USA
2000 - 2004 Research assistant, Institute for Neuroinformatics, ETH Zürich

2004 Doctorate in neurobiology (Dr. sc. nat.), Dept. for Biology ETH Zürich
2001 - 2003 PhD program in molecular, clinical and systems neuroscience Zürich
1995 - 2000 Diploma in Mathematics & Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich
1995 University entrance qualification, Basel, Switzerland

Fellowships, Honours, Awards
2016 Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, FRSB
2012 Canada Research Chair in Integrative Neuroscience (Declined)
2009 Attempto Prize of the University Tübingen
2007 Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society
2001 PhD Fellowship Neuroscience Center Zurich

Scientific activities
since 2015 Reviewing editor for 'The Journal of Neuroscience'

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

  • Multisensory perception and multisensory integration in the brain
  • Perceptual decision making
  • Neural oscillations and their role for cognition
  • Auditory perception and the function of auditory cortex
  • Mathematical tools in neuroscience