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Dr. Alejandro Esguerra

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1. Faculty of Sociology / People / Academic Staff

Research Assistant in Political Sociology (Prof. Straßheim)

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2. Faculty of Sociology / Research and Teaching Units / Unit 4 - Politics and Society

Research Assistant in Political Sociology (Prof. Straßheim)

Curriculum Vitae

Alejandro Esguerra is post-doc at the working group Political Sociology, University Bielefeld. He obtained his PhD in International Relations at the Freie Universität Berlin. He has researched and taught at Cornell University, UFZ Leipzig, the Centre for Global Cooperation Research Duisburg as well as the University of Potsdam. His work is concerned with global environmental politics, especially the role of environmental expertise, private authority, and objects and translation in International Relations theory. Among his recent publications are with Tobias Berger ‘World Politics in Translation: Power, Relationality and Difference in Global Cooperation’ (Routledge 2018), 'Future Objects: Tracing the Socio-Material Politics of Anticipation' (Sustainability Science 2019) and with Sandra van der Hel 'Participatory Designs and Epistemic Authority in Knowledge Platforms for Sustainability' (Global Environmental Politics, 2021).

Current research topics

Sociology of International Relations

Global Environmental Governance

Science-Policy Interaction

Theories of Translation, Knowledge and Dramaturgy

Interpretive methods