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Maren Steinmann

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Curriculum Vitae

Maren Steinmann (M.Sc. Health Economics) studied Health Economics (B.Sc.) at the University of Bayreuth after her (German) 'Abitur'. In her Bachelor's thesis analyzed the cost-effectiveness of a potential malaria vaccine. Following this, Ms. Steinmann completed the master's program in health economics (M.Sc.), at the University of Bayreuth, as well. In her Master's thesis, she used markov models to investigate health economic aspects of pharmaceutical innovations/orphan drugs for the rare disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth. During her masters, Ms. Steinmann worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Medical Management and Health Sciences at the University of Bayreuth. In addition, she was able to gain practical experience in hospital controlling, corporate health management and market access of therapeutics and vaccines.

Since December 2019, Maren Steinmann has been working as a research assistant and doctoral studend at the Chair of Health Economics and Health Management (AG5) at the School of Public Health.

Current research topics

  • Economic aspects of vaccination and infectious diseases
  • Modeling of infectious diseases
  • Health economic evaluation and decision analytic modeling
  • Health services research with claims data
  • HTA and pharmacoeconomics

Memberships and Functions

Member of MONID consortia - Modeling network for serious infectious diseases