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Prof. Dr. Hannes Delto

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Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Sports Communication at the University of Applied Sciences Sport and Management Potsdam.

Magister Artium in Sport Science, Journalism and Educational Science at Leipzig University (2012). PhD in Educational Science at Bielefeld University (2020). Since 2017 associated Researcher at Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at Bielefeld University. 2017-2024 Research Associate at Institute of Psychology (Department of Social Psychology), at Institute for the Development of Social Concepts at University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein, at Department of Social Science of Sport at Gießen University and Sport Pedagogy at University of Göttingen and Leipzig University. 2012-2017 Research Associate at Faculty of Education and at Institute of Sport Psychology and Physical Education (Department of Sociology of Sport) at Leipzig University.