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Antje Schwarz

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1. Faculty of Sociology / Research and Teaching Units / Unit 5 - Social Structure and Social Inequality / Working Group Abendroth

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Bereich Sozialstrukturanalyse (Prof. Abendroth)

+49 521 106-4445  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-6992 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X C4-103 Locations Map

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Nr. 341 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

2. Faculty of Sociology / People

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Bereich Sozialstrukturanalyse (Prof. Abendroth)

Curriculum Vitae

Research Experience
Research associate 2024-present
Bielefeld University, Germany
Social Structure and Social Inequality / AG Abendroth

Student research assistant 2020–2023
Bielefeld University, Germany
Project: Flexibility in Digitalized Working Worlds. Use and Implications of Telecommuting and Digital Work Communication across European Countries (German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program 2267 “Digitalization of Working Worlds. Conceptualizing and Capturing a Systemic Transformation”)

Student research assistant 2019–2020
Osnabrück University, Germany
Working Group of Quantitative Methods and Analysis of Social Structure (K. Golsch)

Student research assistant 2018–2019
German Police University Münster, Germany
Department 3.1 Criminology and Interdisciplinary Crime Prevention Project: Security Analysis and Networking in Changing Urban Districts (E. Sevenig & J. Wittenberg)

Master of Arts with Distinction, Sociology (Profile: Sociology of Work and Economics) 2019–2023
Bielefeld University, Germany

International Summer University Program 2022
(The Changing Nature of Work: Towards a Digital Future)
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, Social Sciences (Major: Sociology, Minor: Political Sciences) 2016–2019
Osnabrück University, Germany

Student teacher 2017–2019
Osnabrück University, Germany
Conduction of Tutorials to the Courses “Techniques and Methods of Social Science” and “Introduction to Economic and Social Statistics”

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Schwarz, A., & Abendroth, A.-K. (2024) Is informal telework a threat to work-family reconciliation? Comparing the implications of formal and informal telework for work-family conflicts. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 0(0),
  • Schwarz, A., Adams, A., & Golsch, K. (2023) Does Telework Mediate the Impact of Occupational Status on Work-to-Family Conflicts? An Investigation of Conditional Effects of Gender and the COVID-19 Pandemic. In A.-K. Abendroth & L. Lükemann (Eds.) Flexible Work and the Family, Emerald, 101–127.
  • Scharf, N., Lükemann, L., Schubert, P., Williams, S., Abendroth, A., & Schwarz, A. (2023) Is the Structure of “Regular Working Days” about to Dissolve? Changes in Employees’ Time-Use Patterns Working in Enterprise Collaboration Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Procedia Computer Science 219, 431–438.
  • Abendroth A.-K., & Schwarz, A. (2022) Crowdwork, Plattformabhängigkeit und geschlechtsspezifische Vereinbarkeitskonflikte von Erwerbsarbeit und Privatleben [Crowdwork, Platform Dependency and Gendered Work-Life Conflicts]. In M. Kastein & L. Weber (Eds.) Digitale Sorgetransformationen und Geschlechterarrangements im Wandel, Beltz Juventa, 151–169.


  • Schwarz, A. (2024) Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Flexible Working Arrangements: Investigating the Role of Ideal Worker Norms. Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Conference. Montréal, Canada. Presentation. (with Erin Kelly and Anja Abendroth)
  • Abendroth, A.-K. & Schwarz, A. (2024) Work From Home and the Exaggeration of the Norm of the Ideal Worker: A Comparative Perspective. Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Conference. Montréal, Canada. Presentation.
  • Schwarz, A. (2024) Flexible Working Arrangements and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Importance of National Job Security Regulation. 42nd International Labour Process Conference (ILPC). Göttingen, Germany. Presentation.
  • Abendroth, A.-K, & Schwarz, A. (2023) Digitale Kommunikation und Unterstützung von Familie und Beruf durch Vorgesetzte: Egalitäre Familienpolitik und die Norm idealer Beschäftigter in Europa. [Digital Communication and Work-Life Supportive Supervisor Behaviors: Egalitarian Family Policies and the Ideal Worker Norm in Europe]. Fall Conference of the Section for Family Sociology of the German Sociological Association. Cologne, Germany. Presentation.
  • Abendroth, A.-K., & Schwarz, A. (2023) Digital Communication and Supervisor Work-Family Support: A Country-Comparative Analysis of Egalitarian Family Policies and Perceived Ideal Worker Norms in Europe. 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023. Warsaw, Poland. Presentation.
  • Adams, A., & Schwarz, A. (2023) Does Telework Affect Interference between Work and Family? Boundary Dissolution in Perceived High-Demand Work for Parents. Interim Meeting Research Network “Sociology Of Families And Intimate Lives” (RN13) European Sociological Association. Madrid, Spain. Presentation.
  • Adams, A., & Schwarz, A. (2022) Telearbeit, die Auflösung von Grenzen zwischen Beruf und Familie und daraus resultierende Konflikte. [Teleworking, Dissolution Of Boundaries Between Work and Family and Resulting Conflicts] 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association, Bielefeld, Germany. Poster Presentation.
  • Schwarz, A. (2022) How to Teach Changing the Nature of Work. 11th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (AIS Special Interest Group CNoW), Copenhagen, Denmark. Panel Discussion with Liana Razmerita, Kirsimarja Blomqvist, Hila Lifshitz-Assaf and Nataliya Berbyuk Lindstrom.
  • Schwarz, A. (2022) Facing Organisational Culture in the Remote Setup. An Investigation of Job Satisfaction in European Countries. 11th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (AIS Special Interest Group CNoW), Copenhagen, Denmark. Round Table Discussion.
  • Schwarz, A., Adams, A., & Golsch, K. (2021) Telearbeit als Mediator zwischen beruflichem Status und Work-Family Conflicts: Der Einfluss von Gender und der COVID-19-Pandemie. [Teleworking as a Mediator between Occupational Status and Work-Family Conflicts: The Influence of Gender and the COVID-19 Pandemic] Virtual Fall Conference of the Section for Family Sociology of the German Sociological Association. Presentation.

Awards and Scholarships

  • Scholarship for Predoctoral Preparation „Brückenstipendium Master - Promotion“ 10/2023–01/2024
  • Scholarship for Excellent Performance in Studies and Voluntary Work “Deutschlandstipendium” 2020–2023
  • Award for an Outstanding Bachelor Thesis “Förderpreis der Universität Osnabrück” 2019–2020
  • Scholarship for Excellent Performance in Studies “Landesstipendium Niedersachsen” 2017