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Eva Onno

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1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Iberische und lateinamerikanische Geschichte

Hilfskraft Professorin Dr. Eleonora Rohland

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Curriculum Vitae

Oct 2020 - April 2023 : Master of Arts, Profile Global and Entanglement History, Bielefeld University;
Oct 2015 - Nov 2019 : DFH (Deutsche Französische Hochschule) Double Degree, Cursus intégré franco-allemand d'histoire, Bielefeld University / Université Paris-Diderot;

Current research topics

Colonial and postcolonial history; History of mandate administration in Africa; Colonisation and decolonisation in Africa; Practices of comparison; Dynamics of de-particularisation and reparticularisation of development concepts in African mandate territories; Analysis of universal development potential in the League of Nations Act and the UN Charter