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Anastasiia Serikova

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1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History

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Curriculum Vitae

Current position:
Since 10/2023
PhD student
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), Bielefeld University
The Graduate School Scholarship Programme 2023, DAAD

Educational path:
Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Master’s Degree Diploma with Honors
Museology and Protection of Оbjects of Сultural and Natural Heritage
Master thesis: The Interpretation of Dissonant Heritage in Museum Institutions in Russia and Germany.

Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Bachelor`s Degree Diploma with Honors
Museology and Protection of Objects of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Bachelor thesis: Memorial Historical Museums (“Museums of Conscience”): Typological Features and World Practice.

Professional career:
Lecture for DAAD Scholarship Holder Meeting in Münster
Difficult heritage in museums of the 21st century: Democratic and
non-democratic contexts.

Online-Course and Practical Laboratory “Anti-Colonial Museum and the Practice of Reconciliation”
Open Society University Network, Bard college.

Since 09/2023
Independent researcher and writer of Russian independent media:
• Telegram Channel “Difficult Heritage”
• Perito media
• The Vyshka
• Ideas for Museums

The Boris Nemtsov Summer School of Investigative Journalism and Cultural Studies
Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany.

The lecture «Museum and "difficult" heritage: interpretation of the concept and main approaches»
The foresight session “Small Territory: Museum Pulse” for specialists from municipal museums, the State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals and Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

The Spring School "Memory and Society"
The European University of Saint- Petersburg, Russia.

The Spring Online-School "Accelerator of Cultural Projects"
The Fund "Thursday", Moscow, Russia.

Meeting with students of the Department of Museology and Cultural Heritage
Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture, Saint-Peterburg
Thema of the meeting "Scientific Work in the Field of Museology for Students: Directions, Opportunities, Secrets".

Meeting with students of the Department of Museum Studies and Tourism
Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Chelyabinsk
Thema of the meeting "How to Study Master in Museology: Personal Experience and Tipps".

Awards and Scholarships:
Winner of the competition “Master Study of the Year 2021 Award”
The European Museum Academy, Luxemburg,
The Master Thesis "The Interpretation of Dissonant Heritage in Museum Institutions in Russia and Germany"

Special Scholarship for Excellent Academic Performance, Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

A shortlist of the essay competition in the boundaries of the project "World War II: Memory, Rituals, and Myths. Experiences in Critical Thinking", The CISR of Berlin, Germany
The Essay "Objectification of Trauma: Difficult Heritage in Museum".

The II Place of the VII All-Russian Competition for Young Scientists in the Field of Arts and Culture
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russia
The Nomination "Museology, Conservation, and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Objects", the research "Dissonant Heritage in Museums of Russia: Concept, Mission, Interpretation".

Special Scholarship for Excellent Scientific Performance, Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

The I Place of the scientific competition works of students and graduates,
Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Current research topics

Difficult Heritage: theory, concepts, museum practices
The State Propaganda in contemporary Russian Historical Museums
Famine as Difficult Heritage in Museums
Higher Education in Museology, Museum and Heritage Studies