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Constanze Fiedler

Photo of the person Frau Constanze Fiedler - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. International Office

Team Services

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UHG C5-133 Locations Map

Besuchen Sie uns in unserer Sprechstunde, werktags im Infopunkt International in der großen Halle, von 11.00 - 13.00 Uhr. Come and see us at our drop-in session at the Infopunkt International in the main hall, every working day from 11.00 - 13.00 hrs.


2. Faculty of Educational Science / Arbeitsstelle Praktikum Pädagogik (APP)

Research assistant APP

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+49 521 106-3058  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3139 Secretary's Details
Gebäude Z Z0-125 Locations Map