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Farah El Ouahabi

Photo of the person Frau Farah El Ouahabi - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Department F: Financial Services / Department F.3 Central Procurement / Forschungsbedarfe & Allgemeines / Großgeräteverfahren / Operativer Einkauf

Research requirements & General / Operational purchaser
(procurements up to 25.000,- €/net)

Product groups:
Analogue specialist literature; digital specialist literature; interviews/surveys; scientific and student consulting; events; excursions; gifts; purchase of cars; purchase of commercial vehicles; leasing of vehicles;
current vehicle operating costs; company/official doctor; work clothing; health and safety equipment; customs matters

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+49 521 106-67686  
UHG U6-219 Locations Map

2. Department F: Financial Services / Department F.3 Central Procurement / Zoll und Außenwirtschaft / Zollangelegenheiten

Customs clerk

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+49 521 106-67686  
UHG U6-210 Locations Map