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Mike Reichert

Photo of the person Herr Mike Reichert - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Medical School OWL / Skills Lab

Praxisanleiter für medizinische Ausbildung

+49 521 106-86802  
R.1 A0-10 Locations Map

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Curriculum Vitae

2005 (German) 'Abitur'

2005 - 2008 Degree in mathematics, specialisation: physics; teacher training HF: Chemistry, specialisation: mathematics
2008 - 2011 Training in healthcare and nursing
2011 - 2015 Healthcare and nursing officer in the intensive care unit (anaesthesiology)
2015 - 2023 Healthcare and nursing assistant in the cardiac catheterisation & EPU laboratory / hybrid OR (PM/ICD/CRT implantations)
2016 - 2022 Lecturer in basic mathematics at an MTA school for medical-technical assistants

Since 2022 Practical instructor for medical training at the Medical School OWL of Bielefeld University
Since 2024 Bachelor of Engineering Electrical Engineering specialising in vocational education, general didactics and technology didactics