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Andrey Oleynikov

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1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History

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Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data
Title Doctor
First name Andrey
Name Oleynikov
Current position A visiting researcher at Bielefeld University
Current institution(s)/site(s), country Bielefeld University/Bielefeld, Germany
Identifiers/ORCID 0000-0003-3593-3882

Qualifications and Career

Stages Periods and Details
1975-1985 - I studied at a secondary school in the city of Orel / USSR
Degree programme History/ 1985-1989, the Orel State Pedagogical Institute/Orel, USSR
History, 1990-1995, the Moscow State University USSR/Moscow, Russian Federation
Doctorate 1995-1999, Vladimir Kalinichenko as a supervisor, Philosophy (Dissertation title: ‘Event and Narrative: A Critical Analysis of the Narrativist Philosophy of History’), the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation
Stages of academic/professional

September 1, 2023-up to date – a visiting researcher at the University of Bielefeld. Work on a project “Contingency as a key element of contemporary historicity” supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
June 1, 2022- November 30, 2022 – a Mercator fellow at the research project ‘Practices of Comparison’ (SFB 1288), Bielefeld, Germany
from 2019 to 2023 – Co-Head of the Master’s program ‘Political Philosophy’ at the Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka), Moscow, Russian Federation.
from 2016 to 2022 – Associate professor at the Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka), Moscow, Russian Federation.
Academic disciplines: ‘History of Political Philosophy’, ‘History as a Field of Political Theory’.
2007-2008 – Fulbright visiting scholar at UC Berkeley for six months.
2004 – Visiting scholar at Groningen University for two months. The fellowship was funded by Board of Trustees of the Russian State University for the Humanities.
1999-2016 – Associate professor at the Russian State University for Humanities (RSUH).
Academic disciplines: ‘Theory of History’; ‘Theory of Cultural Studies’; ‘Introduction to Political Philosophy’; ‘Theory of University’.

Engagement in the Research System

I was a managing editor of the following thematical issues:
Politika vremeni (The Politics of Time) – the thematic issue of journal Sociologiya vlasti (Sociology of Power) 28 (2) 2016.
Temporal'nyi povorot i repolitizaciya istorii (Temporal Turn and Repoliticization of History) – the thematic issue of journal Logos: Philosophical and Literary Journal 31 (4) 2021.

Since 2003, I have been translating and preparing for publication translations into Russian of such leading Western political and historical theorists as Zygmunt Bauman, Slavoj Žižek Quentin Skinner, John Greville Agard Pocock, Franklin Ankersmit, Hayden White, Chris Lorenz, Berber Bevernage and others.

I was an initiator and curator the International conference To Which Time Do We Belong? The New Historicity and The Politics of Time that was held by Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow in 2018, October 26-27

I was the organizer of academic visits to Moscow for such European scholars and researchers as Frank Ankersmit (2006), Slavoj Zizek (2007), Berber Bevernage (2017).

At the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Shaninka), I was co-director of the "Political Philosophy" Master’s degree program.

Scientific Results
Category A

Oleynikov Аndrey: History with No Statute of Limitations, in: Budraytskis, Ilya and Zhilyaev, Arseny (eds.): Pedagogical Poem: The Archive of the Future Museum of History, Venice 2014, P. 115-126.
Oleynikov, Andrey: Politika vremeni (Politics of time), in: Sotsiologia vlasti (Sociology of Power) 28 (2) (2016), P. 8-14.
Oleynikov, Andrey: Anachronizm i granitzy istorii (Anachronism and the Limits of History), in: Shagi/STEPS: Journal of Contemporary Researches in Humanities 4 (3-4) (2018), P. 9-25. doi:10.22394/2412-9410-2018-4-3-9-25
Oleynikov, Andrey: Vremya istorii (History’s Time), in: Logos 31 (4) (2021), P. 5-30.
Oleynikov, Аndrey: Radikal'nyi istorizm na russkoi pochve (Radical Historicism on Russian Soil): In: Alla Morozova (ed.): Jit' istoriei i dumat' o buduschem (Living history and thinking about the future): Collection of articles and materials for the 60th anniversary of Konstantin Morozov, Moscow 2021, P. 145-155.
Oleynikov, Аndrey: Buduschee v nastoyaschem (Future in the Present), in: Neprikosnovenny Zapas (Emergency Store) 142 (2) (2022), P. 57-67.
Oleynikov, Andrey: Populism, Presentism, and the Prospects of Critical Historical Thinking in Russia, in: Bevernage, Berber; Mestdagh, Eline; Ramalho, Walderez; and Verbergt, Marie-Gabrielle (eds.): Claiming the People's Past. Populism and the Politics of History, Cambridge 2024, P. 192 – 208.

Category B
Oleynikov, Andrey: Sovremennaya istorichnost i politika vremeni (Contemporary Historicity and the Politics of Time): An Intellectual project on the web portal ‘Liberal mission’ in 2021-2022:
Oleynikov, Andrey: Drugoj prezentizm (A Different Presentism): An article on
the web portal ‘Liberal mission’ in 2021-2022:
Oleynikov, Andrey: Who Invented “Historical Russia” and Why?: An article on the anti-war website POSLE:

Current research topics

“Contingency as a key element of contemporary historicity”

Memberships and Functions

International Network for Theory of History