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Representative for the interests of students with disabilities/chronic illnesses

Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Johannfunke, Michael

Beauftragter der Studierenden mit Behinderung und chronischer Erkrankung & Vertrauensperson der schwerbehinderten Menschen

Faculty of Biology / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Chemistry / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Educational Science / Coordinator / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of Philosophy / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of Theology / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

School of Public Health / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Representatives / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Mathematics / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Physics / Beauftragte / Beauftragte für Studierende mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung

Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science / Department of Psychology / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science / Department of Sports Science / Coordinator / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Law / Kommissionen, Ausschüsse, Beauftragte / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Sociology / Coordinator / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Faculty of Technology / Beauftragte / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Electronic Mailing List

With this Electronic Mailing List you can reach the shown Representative for the interests of students with disabilities/chronic illnesses:


Excerpt from §23 of the "Grundordnung" of Bielefeld University:
"The Senate shall appoint a representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses in accordance with § 62b HG.
[...] Each faculty shall appoint a faculty representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, who shall support the representative"