Staff and
Department Search

Dept. 3: User Services Department

UHG E1-138 Locations Map


Alexeev, Alexander

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Centre (BDZ), Information Team

Amsbeck, Mareike

Head of departmental library area UHG-II

Head of departmental library FB UHG-II: Mathematics, Law, Computer Science,
Economics, Psychology, Educational Science, Sports Science, Music

Bebek, Mario

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Berg, Maren

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Centre (BDZ), Digital Services Team

Bergmann, Dorothea

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Blunk, Rafaela

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Brams, Sylke

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Braun, Sabrina

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Braunert, Anika

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Dehne, Alexander

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digital Services Team

Ficht, Katja

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Centre (BDZ), Digitalisation and Document Delivery Team

Freiwald, Cornelia

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Information Team, Digital Services Team.

Füllbrunn, Sabrina

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Giordano, Sophia

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Hafner, Ella

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Harding-Schneider, Alexia

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Heuer, Birgit

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Dept. Libr. Area UHG-I and FB IUB

Hofacker, Ralf

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Head of Department Library Service Center (BDZ)

Jahnke, Sonja

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Jelting, Michelle

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Junker, Alexander

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digitization and Document Delivery Team

Kathke, Cindy

Deputy Head of Department

Deputy Head of Department Library Use

Klawunde, Maike

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Köhler, Doris

Head of departmental library area UHG-I and head of departmental library IUB

Head of departmental library FB UHG-I: health sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, nutritional sciences, medicine; FB IUB: literature and linguistics

Köster, Dagmar

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Kruse, Alyssa

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Kükenshöner, Stefan

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Kuhlmann, Claudine

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Lange, Jürgen

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Linke, Guido

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Meyer, Kerstin

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digitization and Document Delivery Team

Meyn, Antje

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digitization and Document Delivery Team

Möller, Katharina

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Neumann, Elke

Head of departmental library area X

Head of departmental library FB Gebäude X: History, Sociology, Philosophy, Theology, Art, Earth Science, Gender Studies

Nevermann, Kirsten

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Ott, Petra

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Rahmsdorf, Sabine, Dr.

Dept. 3: User Services Department

Head of User Services Department

Rese, Bettina

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Rother, Marlies

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digitization and Document Delivery Team

Sambale, Ulrike

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Leader Digitization and Document Delivery

Sanft, Thorsten

Departmental library area X

Departmental library building X

Schlüter, Marla

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Schmidtke, Tabea

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Schroer, Jana-Christin

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digitization and Document Delivery Team

Steffen, Britta

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Leader Information

Steiger, Bettina

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Team Information

Tummes, Petra

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Vaquet, Elisabeth

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

Vernaldi, Tristan

Departmental library area UHG-II

Fachbibliothek UHG-II

Vogt, Angela

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digitization and Document Delivery Team

Walla, Kim

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Service Centre (BDZ), Digital Services Team

Westemeyer, Martin

Departmental library area UHG-I and departmental library area IUB

Fachbibliothek UHG-I und Fachbibliothek IUB

Wiedemann, Martina

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digital Services Team

Wipper, Susanne

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Wohlrab, Peter

Departmental library area UHG-II

Departmental library UHG-II

Wolf, Sebastian

Library Service Center (BDZ)

Library Services Center (BDZ), Digital Services Team Leader