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Center for Biotechnology - CeBiTec

UHG G2-109 Locations Map
+49 521 106-8752
+49 521 106-89041
Universität Bielefeld
Centrum für Biotechnolgie - CeBiTec
Universitätsstraße 27
D-33615 Bielefeld


Aal-Kheedr, Kameer

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Albaum, Stefan, Dr.

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility

Leiter "Bioinformatics Resource Facility (BRF)"


Executive Committee


Ashraf, Suhail

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Avci, Fatma, Prof. ((PhD))

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Baier, Thomas, Dr.

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Barrera, Anna, Dr.

Reseach Group - Genome Engineering and Editing

Beckstette, Michael, Dr.

Research Group - Computational Metagenomics

Bernhard, Laura Maria

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Bissel, Alexander, Dr.

Reseach Group - Genome Engineering and Editing

Bittmann, Maike

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Blifernez-Klassen, Olga, Dr.

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Bocquin, Lucas

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Bohnenkämper, Leonard, M.Sc.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Bollnow, Jan-Niklas

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Bräutigam, Andrea, Prof. Dr.

AG Computational Biology

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Büntemeyer, Heino, Dr.

Research Group Cell Culture Technology

Bürstenbinder, Ute

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Bunte, Marina

Research Group - Plant Biotechnology

lab organisation, participation in research projects, plant care

Busche, Tobias, Dr.

Omics Core Facility - Next-Generation Sequencing

Leitung der Laboreinheit der Next-Generation Sequenzierung der Omics Core Facility

Cati, Ninive

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Cerveson, Laura

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Dias Vieira Braga, Marília, Dr.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Diehl, Christoph, Dr.

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Dietz, Karl-Josef, Prof. Dr.

Research Group Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants

Head of Research Group "Biochemistry and Plant Physiology"

Düllmann, Laura

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Dymek, Saskia-Michelle

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Eikmeier, Julia

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Einhaus, Alexander, Dr.

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Eisenhut, Marion, PD Dr.

AG Computational Biology

Research and teaching. Focus: Biochemistry of photoautotrophs

Erdmann, Henrike


Esteves Guedes, Nicole

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Fischer, Björn

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility


Fjodorova, Jenny, Dr.

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Fleischer, Anke

AG Computational Biology

Frese, Marcel, Dr.

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Frings, Stephanie

Research Group - Plant Biotechnology

Ghaffaari, Ali

Research Group Genome Data Science

Göbel, Daniel, M.Sc.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Gödde, Victoria

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Gröger, Harald, Prof. Dr.

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Head of Research Group "Organic chemistry"

Grotjohann, Norbert, Prof. Dr.


teutolab-biotechnologie didactic direction

Hahn, Julia

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Hammer, Stephan, Prof. Dr.

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Leiter der AG "Organische Chemie und Biokatalyse"

Hanuschka, Katharina

Technology Platforms / Technology Platform Genomics

Harin, Anatoli

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility

Harke, Ulrike

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

AG Computational Biology

Hassa, Julia, Dr.

Omics Core Facility - Next-Generation Sequencing

Gender Equality


Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Held, Martina


Drittmittel- und Personalsachbearbeitung von CeBiTec-Projekten

Henke, Christian, M.Sc.

Technology Platforms / Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services

Hertel, Oliver, Dr.

Research Group Cell Culture Technology

Heyer, Robert, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

AG Mehrdimensionale Omics-Analysen

Hildebrandt, Marvin

AG Computational Biology

Hoffman, Joseph, Prof. Dr.

AG Evolutionäre Populationsgenetik

Hoffrogge, Raimund, Dr.

Research Group Cell Culture Technology

Holtgräwe, Daniela, Dr.

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Homma, Haruka, Dr.

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Huang, Liren, Dr.

Research Group - Computational Metagenomics

Hummel, Anke, Dr.

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Jacob, Lucas

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Jacobebbinghaus, Nick

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Jünemann, Sebastian, Dipl.-Inform.

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility

Gast des FZ Jülich

Junker, Nora

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Kalinowski, Jörn, apl. Prof. Dr.

Technology Platforms / Technology Platform Genomics

Head of "Technology Platform Genomics"

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Head of Research Group "Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology"

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Research Board

Kasch, Torsten

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility


Klages, Levin Joe

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Kleinbölting, Nils, Dr.

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility

Gast des FZ Jülich

Knieper, Madita

Research Group Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants

Knop, Maren, M.Sc.

Research Group Genome Data Science

Kobert, Kassian, Dr.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Konermann, Susanne, Dipl.-Ing.

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Technology Platforms / Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services

Research Group - Computational Metagenomics

Konietzka, Petra

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Korszanska, Anna

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Krieger, Arno

Reseach Group - Genome Engineering and Editing

Krüger, Jan, Dipl.-Inform.

Technology Platforms / Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services


Kruse, Olaf, Prof. Dr.

Executive Committee

scientific director
member of the executive committee

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Head of Research Group "Algae Biotechnology & Bioenergy"

Research Board

Kufs, Johann E., Prof. Dr.

Reseach Group - Genome Engineering and Editing

Kutter, Yvonne

Technology Platforms / Technology Platform Genomics

Laker, Bianca, Dr.

AG Computational Biology

Gender Equality

stellvertretende Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Langenkämper, Daniel, Dr.

Research Group Biodata Mining

Lehmann, Gertraut


Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Lehmenkühler, Dorian, B.Sc.

Research Group - Computational Metagenomics

Leiße, David

Research Group - Plant Biotechnology

Linder, Marten

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Lutter, Petra, Dr.

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

März, Camilla

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Matula, Calvin

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Maynard, Daniel, Dr.

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Meierhenrich, Anja

AG Computational Biology

Meiser, Waldemar

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Meyer, Florian Alexander, Dr.

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Mussgnug, Jan H., Dr.

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Technology Platforms / BioEnergieTechnikum

Head of "BioEnergieTechnikum"

Nattkemper, Tim Wilhelm, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Research Group Biodata Mining

Head of Research Group "Biodata Mining"

Nelkner, Johanna

Research Group Genome Research of Industrial Microorganisms

Neumann, Achim

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility


Niehaus, Karsten, Prof. Dr.

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Head of Research Group "Proteome and Metabolome Research"

Nöhring, Sophie Luise

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Noll, Thomas, Prof. Dr.

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Research Group Cell Culture Technology

Head of Research Group "Cell Culture Technology"

Nolte, Ralf

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility


Orth, Rainer

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility


Ospina Sánchez, Felipe

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Otto, Matthias

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Pätzold, Sascha

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Unterstützung bei täglichen Labor-Aufgaben

Panek, Steven

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Panhorst, Maren, Dr.


teutolab-biotechnologie commissioner for Erasmus and Lab2Venture

Parmigiani, Luca, M.Sc.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Patschkowski, Thomas, Dr.

Technology Platforms / Technology Platform Genomics

Persicke, Marcus, Dr.

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Peters-Wendisch, Petra, Dr.

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Pianesi, Luna, M.Sc.

Research Group Genome Data Science

Poethe, Sara-Sophie

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Prasun, Tim

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Pühler, Alfred, Prof. Dr.

Research Group Genome Research of Industrial Microorganisms

Head of AG "Genome Research of Industrial Microorganisms"

Executive Committee

honorary member of the executive committee

Reimer, Christin, Dr.

Reseach Group - Genome Engineering and Editing

Reis, Mara

AG Computational Biology

Reitz, Vanessa

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Rempel, Andreas, M.Sc.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Renziehausen, Tilo

Research Group - Plant Biotechnology

Risse, Joe Max, Dr.

Technology Platforms / Fermentation

Head "Technology platform Fermentation"

Robidou, Lucas, Dr.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Rodrigues de Carvalho, Nadine

Research Group Cell Culture Technology

Röllke, Kerstin, Dr.


teutolab-biotechnologie coordination

Rogowski, Max

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Rojek, Kristin

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Rückert-Reed, Christian, Dr.

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Omics Core Facility - Next-Generation Sequencing

Sagasser, Martin, Dr.

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Saudhof, Merve

Research Group Algae Biotechnology and Bioenergy

Schalk, Ulrike

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Scharkowski, Bjarne

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Schellenberg, Nicole

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Schilbert, Hanna Marie, Dr.

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Schiller, Katharina

AG Computational Biology

Schlüter, Andreas, Dr.

Research Group Genome Research of Industrial Microorganisms

Schlüter, Christine

AG Computational Biology

Schlüter, Johannes

Research Group Genome Data Science

Schlüter, Laura

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Schmidt-Schippers, Romy, Prof. Dr.

Research Group - Plant Biotechnology

Group leader

Schneiker-Bekel, Susanne, Dr.

Research Group Genome Research of Industrial Microorganisms

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Schnutenhaus, Marius

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Schönhuth, Alexander, Prof. Dr.

Research Group Genome Data Science

Schülke, Kai Hannes

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Schulte-Berndt, Eva

Technology Platforms / Technology Platform Genomics

Schulz, Tizian, Dr.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Schulze, Tim

AG Computational Biology

Synthetic biology of cyanobacteria

Sczyrba, Alexander, Prof. Dr.

Technology Platforms / Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services

Head of "Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services (BiBiServ)"

Research Group - Computational Metagenomics

Head of Research Group "Computational Metagenomics"

Seeger, Jan

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Seißenschmidt, Dominic

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Sewald, Norbert, Prof. Dr.

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Head of Research Group "Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry"

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Research Board

Shubhanshu, Jain

Research Group - Organic Chemistry and Biocatalysis

Sielmann, Lennart

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Soytürk, Hakan

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Stiehm, Johannes

Research Group Industrial Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology

Stiensmeier, Xaver

Technology Platforms / Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services

Stoye, Jens, Prof. Dr.

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Head of Research Group "Genome Informatics"

Research Board

Stracke, Ralf, Dr.

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Struck, Ben

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Tan, Mingkun, M.Sc.

Research Group Biodata Mining

Theine, Jens

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Thomas, Merle Katharina


Teaching in the student laboratory, administration, course preparation and follow-up

Thomas, Michael

Research Group Proteome and Metabolome Research

Tölle, Volker

Technology Platforms / Bioinformatics Resource Facility


Tomy Parappuram, Irene

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Tubbesing, Tom Jonas, M.Sc.

Research Group - Computational Metagenomics

Viehöver, Prisca

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Vorstandsmitglied des CeBiTec

Vogelsang, Lara

Research Group Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants

Voss, Jona

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Walender, Alex, M.Sc.

Technology Platforms / Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Services


Walger, Maria

Research Group - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Warzecha, Anne-Kathrin, PD Dr.

AG Computational Biology

teaching and support for bachelor students of the life sciences with respect to basic mathematical and data science skills and with an emphasis on molecular biology

Weisshaar, Bernd, Prof. Dr.

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Head of Research Group "Genetics and Genomics of Plants"

Wellmann, Celine


Wendisch, Volker F., Prof. Dr.

Executive Committee

deputy scientific director
member of the executive committee

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Head of Research Group "Genetics of Prokaryotes"

Research Board

Winkler, Anika

Omics Core Facility - Next-Generation Sequencing

Wittler, Roland, Dr.

Research Group - Genome Informatics

Wobbe, Lutz, Dr.



Wollenschläger, Lars

Research Group Microbial Genomic and Biotechnology

Executive Committee

member of the executive committee

Wulf, Melina

Research Group Cell Culture Technology

Wulfhorst, Muriel

Research Group - Genetics and Genomics of Plants

Zenker, Sanja

AG Computational Biology

Zhu, Haowen

Research Group - Genetics of Prokaryotes

Zurowietz, Martin, Dr.

Research Group - Genome Informatics