232107 “The rope is the white man’s death”: Lynchings and the Press, 1860-1930 (S) (SoSe 2011)

Inhalt, Kommentar

The United States have a long but rarely discussed history of lynchings and other racial atrocities. Since the 1850s, approximately 5,000 victims of lynchings have been recorded. Often, these crimes took on the nature of public spectacles, and postcards of mutilated bodies were sold for 5 cents a piece.

This course explores the history of lynchings and racial violence in the United States primarily through fiction, film, images, and newspaper accounts. You will do extensive archival work, e.g. researching newspaper accounts and images. Please be aware that much of the material we will be dealing with is very disturbing.


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Studiengang/-angebot Gültigkeit Variante Untergliederung Status Sem. LP  
British and American Studies / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2012) MaAngHM3   0/4  
Interamerikanische Studien / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2012) MaIAS4   3/6  
Interamerikanische Studien / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2012) MaIAS6   4/8  
Literaturwissenschaft / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2009) MaLit4   3/7  
Literaturwissenschaft / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2012) MaLit4c   3/7  
Medienwissenschaft, interdisziplinäre / Master (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2014) Hauptmodul 1 Wahlpflicht 3  

For AT you will need to participate actively in class discussion, work on group projects and be prepared to share the results of these projects in class. You will be expected to turn in a 400 words case study/reflection paper at the end of class.
For extra CP (depending on your program and module), you will be asked to write an additional 10 pp+ case study paper, due September 22. Please follow the MLA citation guide, and submit your paper via email to matthias.oppermann@uni-bielefeld.de.

There will be no individual presentations in this class. Rather, I want each of you to contribute to class discussions with a lot of insightful ideas and statements. Hiding from discussions by means of prolonged shoe starring is not an option.
Each day, one group of students (team red, team green, team blue) will be responsible for contributing to the work of this class in a particular way: as first readers, respondents, or synthesizers.

First readers: Your job is primarily to get a discussion going. You synthesize the main ideas of an assigned text or archival document, you analyze it, you criticize it, you point out moments of difficulty or things that you find really interesting or puzzling.

Respondents: Your job is to keep the discussion going. You can agree or disagree with the first readers (which is good), question or enhance their interpretations (which is even better), or build new insights on their previous points (best of all).

Synthesizers: Our discussions will most likely generate a lot of good ideas, and it would be unfortunate if those ideas were simply lost at the end of the discussion. Your job is to synthesize the most important or interesting points at the end of each session (verbally), and to write up a brief (one paragraph) synthesis statement at the end of the day.


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registrierte Anzahl: 12
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Letzte Änderung Grunddaten/Lehrende:
Freitag, 11. Dezember 2015 
Letzte Änderung Zeiten:
Montag, 14. März 2011 
Letzte Änderung Räume:
Montag, 14. März 2011 
Art(en) / SWS
S / 2
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft
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