300269 Summer School: What follows on 70 Years of Peace? Mutual Understanding and Mutual Trust - Basis for a Joint Future EU/Germany and Russia Part 1 with Focus on Germany and the European Union (BS) (SoSe 2017)

Short comment

Hinweis auf eine externe Veranstaltung außerhalb des regulären Lehrangebots der Fakultät für Soziologie.
ACHTUNG! Für diese Veranstaltung ist eine Bewerbung und Zulassung notwendig. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Frau Molitor (verena.molitor@uni-bielefeld.de)

Contents, comment

The European Summer Academy “What follows on 70 Years of Peace? Mutual Understanding and Mutual Trust - Basis for a
Joint Future EU/Germany and Russia - Part 1 with Focus on Germany and the European Union” combines an insight into core aspects of European integration with a particular interest in European-Russian relations. The programme includes lectures, workshops and field trips to European institutions and organisations. The participants from Germany and Russia will improve their proficiency in analysing Europe’s multifaceted dimensions and compare aspects of European and Russian politics,
economy, society and culture in lectures and discussions with renowned scholars and experts.
The working programme of the Summer Academy includes various lectures of experts with different academic as well as
political, economic and societal backgrounds, work in bi-national groups, visits to important European institutions (in Strasbourg, Luxemburg and Saarbrücken) and the participation in a simulation game.
It is also planned that the participants visit St. Petersburg in March 2018.

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30-IndiForm Individuelle Modulform - Ungraded examination Student information

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'ACHTUNG! Für diese Veranstaltung ist eine Bewerbung und Zulassung notwendig. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Frau Molitor
Die Veranstaltung findet an der Europäischen Akademie in Otzenhausen statt.

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Registered number: 10
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4 Students to be reached directly via email
Additional notes on the electronic mailing lists
Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 
Last update times:
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 
Last update rooms:
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
BS /
This lecture is taught in english
Faculty of Sociology
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