Shakespeare’s works have been read and studied for centuries and they have had a pervasive influence on the English language and cultures around the world. In this seminar we will explore the richness of Shakespeare’s writing by focussing on several sonnets as well as the play As You Like It. Studying these exemplary texts, we will engage in close readings (based on the analytical categories from the lecture ‘Analysing and Interpreting British Literary Texts’) and put to practice some theoretical concepts, especially Gender Studies. We shall also explore the cultural, political and historical contexts because enjoyment of Shakespeare’s writing requires an understanding of genre conventions, performance, Elizabethan theatre, theatre companies and audiences.
This class is designed as a presence course, i.e. in person at university - provided that no contact restrictions must be observed. Please note, however, that the first meeting will take place via ZOOM; check the Lernraum+ for updates.
Please purchase: Shakespeare, William. As You Like It in a well-annotated edition, preferably the Oxford Shakespeare (Oxford World’s Classics), edited by Alan Brissenden, 2008.
Further material will be made available.
Frequency | Weekday | Time | Format / Place | Period |
Module | Course | Requirements | |
23-ANG-AngBM2 Basismodul 2: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies | 2.3 Basisseminar: Genres, Authors, Periods | Study requirement
Student information |
- | Graded examination | Student information |
The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.
A corresponding course offer for this course already exists in the e-learning system. Teaching staff can store materials relating to teaching courses there: