261027 The freedom of scientific research and academic teaching (S) (SoSe 2008)

Contents, comment

Arguments in favour of the freedom of research and the freedom of academic teaching are as old as science itself. But they also have a strong bearing on contemporary issues. Problems of applied ethics (such as experimentation with human stem cells) as well as ongoing debates in science policy (e.g., concerning the commercialization and politicization of science) all call for a re-assessment of the principles of freedom of research and teaching and their grounds. In this course, we will examine some classical philosophical arguments for academic freedom, from the time of the early modern defenders of "libertas philosophandi" on, as well as contemporary contributions to the ongoing debates about its limitations.
As part of the Australia-Europe Student Exchange program "Ethics, Human Rights and Institutions", this course will be taught in English.

Eine Leistungsbescheinigung (BA- oder Master of Education-Studiengang) wird ausgestellt für die regelmäßige und erfolgreiche Bearbeitung von Übungsaufgaben einschließlich eines Kurz-Essays im Umfang von ca. 1500 Wörtern.

Requirements for participation, required level

Gründlich vorbereitete Teilnahme an jeder Sitzung des Semesters.
BA-Studiengang: Abschluss des ersten Studienjahres.
Maister- und Lehramts-Studiengang: Zwischenprüfung.


Wird zu Beginn des Semesters bekannt gegeben.

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Dates ( Calendar view )

Frequency Weekday Time Format / Place Period  
weekly Fr 14-16 T 8 - 200 11.04.-18.07.2008

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Subject assignments

Degree programme/academic programme Validity Variant Subdivision Status Semester LP  
History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2014) Hauptmodul 1; Hauptmodul 2 Wahlpflicht 1. 2. 4. scheinfähig HS
Philosophie / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Kern- und Nebenfach HM TP WISS   3  
Philosophie / Lehramt Sekundarstufe II A2; A3; B1; B3    
Philosophie (Gym/Ge als zweites U-Fach) / Master of Education (Enrollment until SoSe 2014) HM TP WISS   3  
Philosophie (Gym/Ge fortgesetzt) / Master of Education (Enrollment until SoSe 2014) HM TP WISS   3  
Philosophie (Hauptfach) / Magister A2; A3; B1; B3    
Philosophie (Nebenfach) / Magister A2; A3; B1; B3    
Praktische Philosophie / Lehramt Sekundarstufe I A2    

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Registered number: 17
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3 Students to be reached directly via email
Additional notes on the electronic mailing lists
Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Friday, December 11, 2015 
Last update times:
Monday, November 26, 2007 
Last update rooms:
Monday, November 26, 2007 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
S / 2
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of Philosophy
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