In this seminar, students will
- Develop an understanding of fundamental concepts and theoretical perspectives pertinent to the study and applications of health psychology and how they apply in different age groups
- Obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to apply models of health psychology to improve health behaviours in different age groups
- Discuss important health behaviours including diet, smoking, physical activity, and sleep and how they relate to mental health. Discuss differences between age and social groups pertinent to these health behaviours.
By the end of the seminar the student should be able to
- Discuss the ways in which psychology can contribute to improve health and what differences there are between age and social groups
- Demonstrate knowledge of models and evidence how health behaviours contribute to physical and mental health in different age groups
- Demonstrate knowledge of mechanisms how physical and mental health are connected
- Compare and critically discuss methodologies used in health psychology research
- Discuss the topics covered in relation to theories and debates in health psychology
- Identify and consider critical aspects in health communication
There is a central allocation of places for this course. Students will be informed separately by e-mail. If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact:
Rhythmus | Tag | Uhrzeit | Format / Ort | Zeitraum |
Modul | Veranstaltung | Leistungen | |
27-GF-Entw Entwicklungspsychologie | GF-Entw.3 Vertiefung zur Entwicklungspsychologie | Studienleistung
Studieninformation |
Die verbindlichen Modulbeschreibungen enthalten weitere Informationen, auch zu den "Leistungen" und ihren Anforderungen. Sind mehrere "Leistungsformen" möglich, entscheiden die jeweiligen Lehrenden darüber.
Studiengang/-angebot | Gültigkeit | Variante | Untergliederung | Status | Sem. | LP | |
Klinische Linguistik / Bachelor | (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2021) | PSY3 |
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