Master of Education courses offered

Course start:

Course Versions

Courses without teaching option Continuation Major Subject (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Courses without teaching option Continuation Minor Subject (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Courses without teaching option Continuation Subject (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Courses without teaching option Continuation Educational Sciences - Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Courses without teaching option Continuation Major Subject (Primary Schools)
Courses without teaching option Continuation Major Subject (Primary Schools with Special and Inclusive Education)
Courses without teaching option Continuation Subject (Primary Schools)
Courses without teaching option Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education
Courses without teaching option
Educational Sciences (all types of schools)


Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education
Educational Sciences
Educational Sciences - Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education
Education as a School Subject
Elementary Mathematics
English Studies: British and American Studies
German Languages and Literatures
German Literacy
Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht")
Latin: Roman Literature, Culture and Society in European Context
Protestant Theology
Social Sciences
Sports Science


Courses offered with teaching option
Courses offered with teaching option
Courses with teaching option and with NC
Courses with teaching option and with NC 1
The places for courses marked with 'NC' (Numerus clausus) are subject to restrictions on admission.

Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

All versions of subject-specific regulations Master of Education

An overview of current and older subject-specific regulations Master of Education be found on this page:

All versions of subject-specific regulations Master of Education


Das "Praxissemester" ist ein verpflichtender Bestandteil des Master of Education-Studiums.

Direkt zur Übersicht der Studiengangsvarianten

Deutsch als Zweitsprache

Deutsch als Zweitsprache (DaZ) ist ebenfalls ein verpflichtender Bestandteil des Master of Education-Studiums.

Direkt zur Übersicht der Studiengangsvarianten


Zur Information über die kombinierbaren Fächer nutzen Sie bitte die Übersicht zu den Kombinationsmöglichkeiten im Bachelor