
FsB vom 30.09.2016

Studying mathematics intensively trains the ability to abstract, logical and analytical as well as structured and goal-orientated thinking and the ability to grasp complex issues quickly, as well as a high level of concentration and perseverance. The Bielefeld Faculty of Mathematics enjoys an excellent reputation in the international research landscape. The Faculty's special profile and proven strength in research enable a wide range of specialisation options. It also offers an attractive research environment in which students can experience the fascination of research in scientific collaboration at an early stage. Studying the subject of mathematics qualifies students for various appointments in business and administration, which place higher demands on mathematical skills, for example in insurance companies, consulting firms, software houses, banks, computer centres, statistical offices, etc.

"Technical" degree programme

Major Subject (Academic)
Minor Subject (Academic), 60 CPs
Minor Subject (Academic), 30 CPs

Courses offered with teaching option

Major Subject (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Minor Subject (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Subject (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule'))
Major Subject (Primary Schools)
Elementary Mathematics
Elementary Mathematics WiSe&SoSe
Subject (Primary Schools)
Elementary Mathematics
Elementary Mathematics WiSe&SoSe

Module Guide

Here you can access the HTML and PDF versions of the module guide for the degree programme Mathematics / Bachelor of Science.


Courses without teaching option
Courses without teaching option (Possible combinations for Combi-Bachelor)
Courses offered excluding teaching option and with NC
Courses offered excluding teaching option and with NC 1 (Possible combinations for Combi-Bachelor)
Courses offered with teaching option
Courses offered with teaching option (Possible combinations)
Courses with teaching option and with NC
Courses with teaching option and with NC 1 (Possible combinations)
"technical" degree programme; no option for teaching profession available here.
The places for courses marked with 'NC' (Numerus clausus) are subject to restrictions on admission.

Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.