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Dr. Nadine Cruz Neri

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1. Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies / Fields of Study / Departments / Sprachliche Grundbildung

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt
"Zur Lernwirksamkeit schriftstruktureller
Zugänge zum Wortlesen und -schreiben"

+49 521 106-3697  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3713 Secretary's Details
UHG C6-228 Locations Map

Curriculum Vitae

Employment history
since 2023: Research associate, University of Bielefeld
since 2018: Research associate, University of Hamburg

2022: PhD in Psychology
2011 - 2018: Studies in Psychology, University of Hamburg

Current research topics

- Role of language in mathematics and science performance
- Predictors of text comprehension, reading and writing skills
- Learning disorders
- Educational equity (e.g. regarding gender, multilingualism)