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Stella Rutkat

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Curriculum Vitae

Topic of the PhD project:
About the fluidity of gender and sex(uality) within experiences of “squirting” and other genital fluids

For my PhD project I conducted qualitative interviews and spoke with trans*, non-binary, inter*, agender people and (queer) cis women about their experiences of genital fluids, focusing especially on the phenomenon of “squirting”. Based on the narrations of my interviewees I investigate into the bodily and gendered experience of squirting and other (sexual) practices with genital fluids. What interests me most is the intricacy of gender and sex(uality) as well as the process of change they undergo within the biographies of my interviewees. How is their gendered being in the world related to the sexual practices they live and their experiences of genital fluids? How are these experiences constituted by historical conditions, the production of medical knowledge, and social norms regarding gender and sex(uality)?