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Ole Oeltjen

Photo of the person Herr Ole Oeltjen - Opens the image in full size on a new page


Curriculum Vitae

Research experience
since 06/2018
Research Fellow at the DFG-funded project "The Emergence of Urban Border Spaces in Europe", University of Bielefeld

Research Fellow at the DFG-funded collaborative project "EU Professionalism", Humboldt University of Berlin

Student Assistant at the DFG-funded collaborative project "EU Professionalism", Humboldt University of Berlin


M.A. in Political Science, Free University of Berlin
Thesis: "Humanitarian government in Berlin’s refugee accommodation system: Camp operators and the administration of the organized state of exception" (Humanitarian Government in der Berliner Geflüchtetenunterbringung: Betreiberorganisationen und die Verwaltung des organisierten Ausnahmezustands)

Visiting student at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

B.A. in Political Science, University of Freiburg

Visiting student at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH-UNL), New University of Lisbon


Awards and fellowships
Young Research Award for outstanding MA theses by the Regensburg Research Network for Migration and Integration

PROMOS fellowship for an internship in the Dominican Republic (Friedrich Ebert Foundation)


Zimmermann, Katharina und Ole Oeltjen (under review): Beyond Capacity, Conditionality and Compliance: Putting the Youth Employment Initiative into Practice. Under review.

Oeltjen, Ole (2018): Die Interessenvertretung der „Anderen“: Unterkunftsbetreiber als neue Akteure der Wissensproduktion über Asylsuchende. movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 4(1): 133-146. Available at:

Büttner, Sebastian, Steffen Mau, Katharina Zimmermann und Ole Oeltjen (2018): Die Benennungsmacht und das Vokabular der EU-Governance: Zur symbolischen Macht der europäischen Forschungsförderung. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 43(Suppl 1): 37-63. Available at:


Talks and conference activities
Oeltjen, Ole (November 17, 2018): "Experiencing Civic Stratification: Legal Status and Migration Control in the City", poster presentation at the conference B/Orders in Motion: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives, European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice. Available at:

Zimmermann, Katharina and Ole Oeltjen (September 22, 2017): "Beyond Capacity, Conditionality, and Compliance: Putting the Youth Employment Initiative into practice”, presentation at the special-issue workshop Youth in a Post-Crisis Europe: Regulatory approaches and their perception, ISCTE-IUL Lisbon.


Teaching experience
Tutorial "Introduction to the History and Development of Political Theories" (Einführung in die Geschichte und Entwicklungslinien Politischer Theorien), Summer term 2014, University of Freiburg.

Current research topics

  • Migration policy
  • Social policy
  • Citizenship studies
  • Urban processes of in-/exclusion
  • Critical security studies