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Mike Reichert

Photo of the person Herr Mike Reichert - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Medical School OWL / Skills Lab

Praxisanleiter für medizinische Ausbildung

+49 521 106-86802  
R.1 A0-10 Locations Map

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Curriculum Vitae

2005 (German) 'Abitur'

2005 - 2008 Degree in mathematics, specialisation: physics; teacher training HF: Chemistry, specialisation: mathematics
2008 - 2011 Training in healthcare and nursing
2011 - 2015 Healthcare and nursing officer in the intensive care unit (anaesthesiology)
2015 - 2023 Healthcare and nursing assistant in the cardiac catheterisation & EPU laboratory / hybrid OR (PM/ICD/CRT implantations)
2016 - 2022 Lecturer in basic maths at an MTA school for medical-technical assistants

Since 2022 Practical instructor for medical training at the Medical School OWL of Bielefeld University
Since 2017 Studied electrical engineering (part-time) with a focus on vocational education, general didactics and technology didactics