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Dr. Jens Peter Lindemann

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Curriculum Vitae

since 2006Member of the research staff of the Department of Neurobiology
2006Ph.D. Thesis "Visual Navigation of a Virtual Blowfly"
2000 - 2006Ph.D. project in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. M. Egelhaaf
2000 - 2003Member of the Graduate and Postdoctoral Programme "Strategies & Optimisation of Behaviour"
1998 - 2000Member of the research staff of the Department of Neurobiology
1998Diploma-Thesis: "Modelling the elementary motion detection of the fly with artificial neural networks" supervised by Prof. Dr. M. Egelhaaf, Neurobiology, and Prof. Dr. H. Ritter, Neuroinformatics, Bielefeld (Germany)
1992 - 1998Undergraduate Studies in Applied Computer Science in the natural sciences at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld (Germany)

Current research topics

  • Modelling neural mechanisms using numerical model simulations to test the plausibility of experimentally established hypotheses. Since the neural mechanisms of behavioral control work in closed feedback loops, a seemingly simple mechanism can show unexpected emergent properties in a closed loop situation.
  • Transfer of bio-inspired algorithms for visual course-control and navigation to mobile robots. Insects solve complex tasks of behavioral control with their tiny brains. In many respects current robots are far less perfected. Therefore it is promising to emulate biological approaches to these tasks to improve mobile robots.
  • Development of virtual reality systems for walking and fast flying insects. The highly specialised sensory and motor systems of these animals necessitate special hard -and software for appropriate animal- machine interfaces. One task is the generation and presentation of realistic panoramic images at high frame rates, another task is the measurement of motor actions of the animal and the realtime feedback to the image generation.