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Dr. Philip Jan Schäfer

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1. Faculty of Sociology / Research and Teaching Units / Unit 4 - Politics and Society / Working Group Albert

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Nach Absprache.


Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Philip Jan Schäfer is a lecturer at Bielefeld University´s Faculty of Sociology/ Unit 4 - Politics and Society. Beforehand he worked as a research associate at the Bundeswehr Center for Public Affairs (BCPA). Following his studies in Political Sciences at the Free University Berlin he completed a doctorate at the University of Cologne. In his dissertation he researched the security implications of environmental changes and resource scarcities in the MENA region. Parallel to his doctoral studies Schäfer started working in communications. He managed the state of Baden-Württemberg´s campaign to promote sustainable mobility and worked as a speech-writer at the State Ministry of Transport. Subsequently Schäfer worked as an Assistant Professor at Korea University´s Global Studies Department and conducted research on mobilities and system theoretic issues.