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Dr. Madelaine Moore


2. Faculty of Sociology / Research and Teaching Units / Unit 4 - Politics and Society / Working Group Kaasch

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Bereich deutsche und transnationale Sozialpolitik AG Kaasch

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Briefkasten: Nr. 386 im Gebäude X – Magistrale – Ebene C2

Curriculum Vitae


PhD. Department of Social Science (Politics), University of Kassel, Germany, 2020
Dissertation: Re/Productive Unrest: Understanding Struggles Over Water in Australia and Ireland
M.A. Labour Policies and Globalization, University of Kassel/Berlin School of Law and Economics, 2015
B.A (hons) The University of Melbourne, 2011
BIR Latrobe University, Melbourne, 2010

2022- Senior Researcher, Crisis Management in the Covid-19 Pandemic by International Organisations (Part of Global Dynamics of Social Policy Project), Bremen University
2022-ongoing Book review editor, Social Movement Studies Journal
2021-ongoing Post-Doctoral Researcher, German and Transnational Social Policy, The University of Bielefeld, Germany
2016-2020 Research Assistant (Managing editor Global Social Policy), The University of Bielefeld, Germany
2021-ongoing Associate Editor (Strategy), Global Social Policy
2018 Visiting Research Fellow, The University of Manchester
2017-2019 Casual Research Assistant/Lecturer, the University of Kassel
2011 Research Assistant, University of Melbourne, Australia
2010 Equity and Diversity Support Worker, La Trobe University

2021 Consultant Researcher, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner, Geneva
2020 The Global Labour University Online Academy
2018 Consultant Researcher, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Brussels
2016 Consultant Researcher, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin

2022 The Politics, Philosophy and Economics Young Scholars Award for Social and Institutional Change
2022 Forschungsfonds, Bielefeld University
2021 Jörg Huffschmid Award for outstanding PhD thesis in Political Economy
2017-2020 PhD Fellowship, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
2019 Research Bursary, Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence
2017 Early Career Researcher Workshop Award, European Sociological Association
2017 Erasmus Teaching Fund
2015 Foreign Student Scholarship, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

Current research topics

My research develops an ecologically centred approach to the global political economy, focussing on the social and ecological tensions of sustainability. Empirically, I focus on the politics of water governance and the emergence of eco-social policies in times of climate crisis, looking at how particular populations generate, live out and challenge such policies. To do this, I have developed what I call a ‘political economy from below’, which explores how systemic crises are managed through public policy alongside the ways in which impacted communities experience and contest these dynamics. I am also interested in debates on labour policy and restructuring, primitive accumulation, social reproduction theory, and what happens at the margins where different social relations and value systems interact.
I am currently developing a research project on the transformations of global water governance, specifically focussing on water trading markets in a global context. I have worked as a research consultant on water policy for the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Water and Sanitation (United Nations) and the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, as well as a consultant researcher on labour rights for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
My new book 'Water Struggles as Resistance to Neoliberal Capitalism: A Time of Reproductive Unrest' came out with Manchester University Press in 2023. I am also a co-editor of an upcoming handbook on the Decent Work Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.