Frau Prof. Dr. Anna Catherine Hickey-Moody: Teaching

Weekly schedule Contact

All courses for recent semesters:

WiSe 2022/2023

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
250372 Hickey-Moody, LA AG 11   Folk media: Popular and public pedagogies as educational inclusion
M.Ed. HRSGe: Diese Veranstaltung darf nicht vorstudiert werden!
M.A. EW: Diese Veranstaltung darf nicht vorstudiert werden!

Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Fr 17.30-20.00 ONLINE [04.11.2022] Introductory Session
Fr 14-18 in X-E0-236 [11.11.2022]
Sa 08-18 in Y-1-201 [12.11.2022]
So 08-18 in Y-1-201 [13.11.2022]

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