Faculty of Educational Science

On this page you can see the modules of the department. To get detailed information about the modules, click on the name:
Acronym Designation  
25-BE1_a Introductory Module eKVV
25-BE2 Theoretical and Empirical Educational Research eKVV
25-BE3_a Research Methods Module eKVV
25-BE4 Counselling and Organisational Development eKVV
25-BE5 Professionalism and Quality eKVV
25-BE6 Heterogenic Life Situations eKVV
25-BE7 Individual- and Group-related Constructions of Difference eKVV
25-BE8 Education: Theories and Institutions eKVV
25-BE9 Didactic Models and Learning Environments eKVV
25-BE10 Practice Transfer Module eKVV
25-BE11 Final Module eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg1_a Individual Supplement: Organisation, Quality and Counselling eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg2_a Individual Supplement: Difference and Heterogeneity eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg3_a Individual Supplement: Education and Didactics eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg7 Individual Supplement: Modularised and Individual Acquisition of Competencies (-Mike-) eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg8_a International Studies in Educational Science eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg9 TV-Journalism (Training Editorial Department “Campus TV”) eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg10 Scientific Specialisation of the "Modularised and Individual Acquisition of Competencies (-Mike-)" eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg11 Schlüsselqualifikation Berufsorientierung eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg12 Media eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg13 Inclusion eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg14 Data Literacy eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg15 International Comparative Perspectives on Education eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg-PL Studien- und berufsrelevante Schlüsselkompetenzen: Schreiben, Lernen, Präsentieren eKVV
25-BE-IndiErg-TQ Qualifying as a Tutor eKVV
25-BiWi1_b Introductory Module Educational Sciences (Teacher-Training) eKVV
25-BiWi2 Basic Concepts in Education Module eKVV
25-BiWi4_a Assessment and Support eKVV
25-BiWi5_a Education and Teaching eKVV
25-BiWi5_ISP Education and Teaching: Study in the Professional Field eKVV
25-BiWi6_a Difference and Heterogeneity eKVV
25-BiWi6_a-ISP Difference and Heterogeneity eKVV
25-BiWi7 Final Module (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools) eKVV
25-BiWi8-VRPS Preparation and Reflection of the Teaching Experience Semester ("Praxissemester") eKVV
25-BiWi9_a Education and Teaching (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools) eKVV
25-BiWi9_a-ISP Education and Teaching (Special and Inclusive Education) eKVV
25-BiWi10 School Development and Professional Collaboration eKVV
25-BiWi11 Assessment and Support: Study in the Professional Field eKVV
25-BiWi11-G Assessment and Support eKVV
25-BiWi12 Difference and Heterogeneity (Primary School) eKVV
25-BiWi13 Pedagogy of the Elementary and Primary Sector eKVV
25-BiWi14_b Basic Concepts in Education Module (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools) eKVV
25-BiWi15_a Education and Teaching (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools) eKVV
25-BiWi16-VRPS Preparation and Reflection of the Teaching Experience Semester ("Praxissemester") eKVV
25-BiWi-BPSt Study in the Professional Field eKVV
25-BiWi-BPSt-ISP Assessment and Support: Study in the Professional Field (Special and Inclusive Education) eKVV
25-FS-AM Final Module eKVV
25-FS-BA Educational Work eKVV
25-FS-BE4 Counselling and Organisational Development eKVV
25-FS-BE5 Professionalism and Quality eKVV
25-FS-BE6 Heterogenic Life Situations eKVV
25-FS-BE7 Individual- and Group-Related Constructions of Difference eKVV
25-FS-BE8 Education: Theories and Institutions eKVV
25-FS-BE9 Didactical Models and Learning Environments eKVV
25-FS-BI Education eKVV
25-FS-EM Introductory Module eKVV
25-FS-GM Basic Module eKVV
25-FS-H Heterogeneity eKVV
25-FS-I Inclusion eKVV
25-FS-IE Elective Module eKVV
25-FS-PB1 Person-Centered Counselling 1 eKVV
25-FS-PB2 Person-Centered Counselling 2 eKVV
25-FS-PTM1 Practice Transfer Module 1 eKVV
25-FS-PTM2 Practice Transfer Module 2 eKVV
25-IndiErg-FOW Module "Forum Open Science" eKVV
25-IndiErg_IT Elective Module (International Track) eKVV
25-IR Reflexive Inter-Culturalism eKVV
25-ISP1 Fundamental Issues in Special and Inclusive Education eKVV
25-ISP1_2 Fundamental Issues in Special and Inclusive Education, Heterogeneity and Individual Support eKVV
25-ISP2 Difference and Heterogeneity (Special and Inclusive Education) eKVV
25-ISP3 Assessment and Support eKVV
25-ISP4 Educating and Teaching in Consideration of Aggravated Learning Conditions eKVV
25-ISP5 Inclusion and Exclusion eKVV
25-ISP6 Collaboration, Profession and Counselling eKVV
25-ISP7 Support with Focus on Emotional and Social Development eKVV
25-ISP8 Master's Thesis eKVV
25-ISP10 Final Module (Special and Inclusive Education) eKVV
25-MA-G Master's Thesis (Primary Schools) eKVV
25-MA-GymGe Master's Thesis (Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools) eKVV
25-MA-HRSGe Master's Thesis (Secondary and Comprehensive Schools) eKVV
25-MA-UFP Master's Thesis (Education as a School Subject) eKVV
25-ME1 Basic Concepts eKVV
25-ME2 Methodologies and Methods of Empirical Research eKVV
25-ME3 Research Project eKVV
25-ME3-IT Research Project eKVV
25-ME4 Final Module eKVV
25-ME4-IT Final Module eKVV
25-ME-A1 Historical and Systematical Aspects of Social Work and Consulting eKVV
25-ME-A2 Selected Areas of Social Work and Consulting eKVV
25-ME-A3 Addressees and Institutions of Social Work and Counselling eKVV
25-ME-A4 Deepening of self-selected Study Areas eKVV
25-ME-B1 Historical and Systematical Aspects of Further and Media Education eKVV
25-ME-B2 Selected Areas of Further and Media Education eKVV
25-ME-B3 Addressees and Institutions of Further and Media Education eKVV
25-ME-B4 Deepening of self-selected Study Areas eKVV
25-ME-C1 Historical and Systematical Aspects of Migration Pedagogy, Civic- and International Education eKVV
25-ME-C1-MGS-wp Historical and Systematical Aspects of Migration Pedagogy, Civic- and International Education eKVV
25-ME-C2 Selected Areas of Migration Pedagogy, Civic- and International Education eKVV
25-ME-C3 Addressees and Institutions of Migration Pedagogy, Civic- and International Education eKVV
25-ME-C4 Deepening of self-selected Study Areas eKVV
25-ME-IT Deepening of self-selected Study Areas eKVV
25-MeWi-HM6 (New) Media and Learning eKVV
25-UFP1_a Education and Didactics (Education as a School Subject) eKVV
25-UFP2_a Institutions of the Educational System eKVV
25-UFP3 Values and Goals in Education eKVV
25-UFP4-VRPS_a Preparation and Reflection of the Teaching Experience Semester ("Praxissemester") eKVV
25-UFP5 Teaching Methodology Education as a School Subject eKVV
25-UFP6-A Advanced: Social Work / Counselling eKVV
25-UFP6-B Advanced: Continued Education / Media Education eKVV
25-UFP6-C Advanced: Migration Pedagogy, Civic- and International Education eKVV
25-UFP7 Final Module Education as a School Subject eKVV
25-UFP-P1 Individual Development of Profile: Organisation, Quality and Counselling eKVV
25-UFP-P2 Individual Development of Profile: Media Education eKVV
25-UFP-P4 Individual Development of Profile: Difference, Heterogeneity and Inclusion eKVV