Michael Papendick, Büro X E1-286, Tel. +49 521 106-3106, E-Mail michael.papendick@uni-bielefeld.de
[2023 - present] Konfliktakademie ConflictA, Bielefeld University
[2020 - 2023] Researcher at the Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ), Bielefeld University
[2018 - present] Researcher at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG), Bielefeld University
[2017 - 2020] Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, lectures on Social Persuasion and Developmental Psychology
[2015 - 2016] Researcher at the Faculty of Psychology, Differential Psychology, Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment, Bielefeld University
[2014 - 2018] Postgraduate Training as a Psychotherapist for CBT, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie
[2014 - 2018] Master of Advanced Studies - Psychotherapy, University of Bern
[2011 - 2014] Master of Science in Psychology, Bielefeld University
[2008 - 2011] Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Bielefeld University