Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Dr. habil. Julia Roth

Bild der Person Frau Dr. habil.  Julia Roth - Öffnet das Bild in voller Größe auf einer neuen Seite


2. Center for InterAmerican Studies

Direktorin Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS)

+49 521 106-3680  
Telefon Sekretariat
+49 521 106-3662 Sekretariat zeigen
UHG C4-214 Lage-/Raumplan

Curriculum Vitae

Oct. 2020-June 2021: Co-Convenor of the Research Group "Global Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights" at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF),
Since Oct. 2018: Professor for American Studies with a focus on Gender Studies, Bielefeld University
2013-2018: Postdoctoral researcher and instructor of the BMBF project "The Americas as Space of Entanglement(s)", Center for Inter-American Studies, Bielefeld University
2011-2013: Postdoctoral Fellow of the BMBF research project " Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America", Freie Universität Berlin
August 2011: Dissertation, University of Potsdam (summa cum laude)
Dec. 2005: M.A., Humboldt University Berlin, American Studies, Hispanic Studies, Political Science

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Research Projects:
"Global Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights"
(ZiF Research Group:"
"DFG Graduate School: "Experiencing Gender":"
"Right-wing Populism and Gender"
"New Feminist Movements"
"Gender and Citizenship"
"Intersectional Feminist Politics of Entanglement in the Americas"
"New Feminist Movements in the Americas"
"Migrantizing Europe"

Further Research Interests
Gender Studies
Critical Race Studies
Postcolonial and Decolonial Approaches
Critical Whiteness Perspectives
Critical Occidentalism
Entangled Inequalities
Knowledge Circulations
Gender and Global Inequalities
African American and Afro-Caribbean Feminisms