Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Maria del Carmen Mayer

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1. Fakultät für Soziologie / Personen / Ehemalige MitarbeiterInnen

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Bereich Konfliktsoziologie (Prof. Daphi)

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Curriculum Vitae


Since 2019 Research Associate in Conflict Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University


Since 2020 Co- Representative of the 'Mittelbau' of the Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University

2019- 2022 Member of the local Organizing Group of the DGS Congress 2022 (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie; German Sociology Association), Bielefeld University


Since 2020 Doctorate at Bielefeld Graduate School in Sociology & History (BGHS)

2018 Master of Arts in Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität, Frankfurt am Main

2013 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Freie Universität, Berlin


WS 22/23: 'Strategies and Tactics of Social Movements' (MA- Course)
WS 19/20; WS 20/21; SoSe 22: 'Crisis and Social Movements' (MA-Course)
SoSe 20: 'The City and Social Movements' (MA- Course)
WS 20/21; WS 21/22; WS 22/23 'Introduction to Political Science' (BA- Course, Workshop)

M. d. C. Mayer, V. Stern, P. Daphi, J. Roose (2021) (eds.): Abstand von Protest oder Protest auf Abstand? Soziale Bewegungen in der COVID-19 Pandemie. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen (FJSB): De Gruyter.

M. d. C. Mayer, V. Stern, P. Daphi (2021): Soziale Bewegungen in Zeiten von COVID-19 zwischen Anpassung, Innovation und Brüchen. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen (FJSB), 1(34), 203-217.

Conference Presentations (Selection)


Co- Organizer (with L. R. Reichle, S. Uhlmann) of the Ad- hoc Group 'Umkämpfte Polarisierung – Soziale Bewegungen & Soziale Reproduktion' (Contested Polarization - Social Movements & Social Reproduction) at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)- Congress 'Polarisierte Welten' (Polarized Worlds), Bielefeld


'Transformative Strategies of Mutual Aid in the Covid- 19 Pandemic' Paper Presentation at ECPR General Conference

‚Mutualism' as strategic practice in the Covid- 19 pandemic' Presentation at the Annual Conference 'Social Movements and the Social Question' of the Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung (IPB)


Co- Host and Discussant: Panel on 'Political Mobilization in Times of Growing Polarization', Section 'Current Research and Challenges on Political Participation and Mobilization' at ECPR General Conference, Innsbruck

'Strategies of Transformation - Selforganization & Solidaritynetworks in the Covid-19 pandemic in Milan' Selected Paper at PhD mentoring session, ECPR/ESA midterm conference on social movements 'Democratic struggles: contention, social movements and democracy' at University of Tartu, Tartu


'A Reflection on Marginality, Localised Political Organisation and Class Consciousness. The Case of Neighborhood Committees in Milan' Paper for the International Conference 'Class without consciousness - Politics of fragmented class identities' at Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence


'Resistant Territories - Reflections on Activist Research' Presentation at the DAAD- Workhshop 'Everyday Practices of Solidarity. Relational Learning Under Conditions of Multiple Crises' at the HafenCity University, Hamburg

Aktuelle Forschungsthemen

Research interests

  • Social movements & collective action
  • Strategies & Tactics
  • Collective Action/ Solidarity in the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Conflicts and social movements in the context of crisis and austerity
  • Urban social movements
  • Class politics
  • Polarization
  • Theory & Methodology of Social Movement Studies